New mixed flock straight from hatchery

The assortments are fun, I’ve gotten some breeds I never considered from the Meyer Rare Breed assortment. I planned on selling any I didn’t care for if it came to that. But I also ordered specific breeds I wanted. As has already been stated, some people want specific breeds and are willing to pay more to get them. There’s really no way to “get them at a savings” without getting a whole lot of others you don’t want. And then you aren’t really saving anything.
I've never ordered from a hatchery before but many I have seen say they require orders of 25 some is 15 but I was meaning the 25 min. order hatcheries so please explain to me how is 25is smaller than 25? in what world is 25 not 25? that's like that stupid song sang around christmas "every mother's child" what child has never had a mother? even children who's mother had died giving birth to them had a mother maybe one they knew personally but thy had a mother......
If you don't care what breeds make up your flock, then this would be a reasonable way to go if: you can safely brood that many chicks, can house that many chickens, can split the order with someone, or can process or sell the extras.

I would not consider this option because I have specific criteria for what I want in my flock. There are a LOT of breeds that I would never welcome into my flock. So, for me, even if ordering 25 or more (Last year I got 27, with a required minimum of 3 birds of each breed I ordered) and payed the extra $$ to get exactly what I wanted. I sold some of the extras, and may sell a few more when spring rolls around.
For me I cannot have males. Home processing is illegal. Neighbors are nosy.

I won't risk getting a large number of males.
I do not wish to try and sell "extra" birds.
Once I spend time caring for them they stop being "extra" and I have a hard time letting them go.

I have specific preferences on temperament and many breeds are outside my behavior tolerances.

I am lucky enough to have a wonderful feed store nearby that will special order without charging for shipping.

While an assortment like Cackles "hatchery surprise" SOUNDS fun in the end it would stress me out.

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