I have 4 adult hens that are about 3.5 yrs old and have been laying in the "little coop" which has 2 nests. It is outside about 5 feet from the big coop.
They, of course, lay in just one of the two.
I got 4 chicks last summer that are now 22 weeks. 2 Anconas and 2 Rhode Island Reds.
A couple months ago I bought a 4 hole nesting box in preparation for the new girls to start laying.
The only place I could put it so it was a bit more private was in the "big coop" which is also where they roost at night..
Someone laid an egg in one of the bottom nests but no one has laid there since.
One of the baby reds, (There are also 2 adult reds) laid an egg under the steps that supports the ladder up to the roost. It IS a nice hidden little hole I have to say.
The older hens aren't laying much but the babies have started and they too are going in the "little coop" to that one particular nest.
Now my question is, if I want all the hens to start laying in the new nests should I close the little coop and deny them access? I'm assuming that if and when everyone starts laying that 4 nesting boxes won't be enough for all 8 hens?
I can also remove the new nesting boxes from the big coop and put them on the wall where the little coop is.
The big coop is 4x8 feet. I'll try to post pictures to give you a more visual idea.
Thank you!!

I have 4 adult hens that are about 3.5 yrs old and have been laying in the "little coop" which has 2 nests. It is outside about 5 feet from the big coop.
They, of course, lay in just one of the two.
I got 4 chicks last summer that are now 22 weeks. 2 Anconas and 2 Rhode Island Reds.
A couple months ago I bought a 4 hole nesting box in preparation for the new girls to start laying.
The only place I could put it so it was a bit more private was in the "big coop" which is also where they roost at night..
Someone laid an egg in one of the bottom nests but no one has laid there since.
One of the baby reds, (There are also 2 adult reds) laid an egg under the steps that supports the ladder up to the roost. It IS a nice hidden little hole I have to say.

The older hens aren't laying much but the babies have started and they too are going in the "little coop" to that one particular nest.
Now my question is, if I want all the hens to start laying in the new nests should I close the little coop and deny them access? I'm assuming that if and when everyone starts laying that 4 nesting boxes won't be enough for all 8 hens?
I can also remove the new nesting boxes from the big coop and put them on the wall where the little coop is.
The big coop is 4x8 feet. I'll try to post pictures to give you a more visual idea.
Thank you!!
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