New/Old Member


May 19, 2024
I was a member but I lost my flock 5 years ago and life was hectic. So, my new chick's will be here next week! I'm back and so excited. I live in Mississippi. It's about 90 degrees F during the day an 65 F at night. I have never brooded chickens outside but I'm desperately hoping it will work this time. I have a huge galvanize tub on my covered back deck (shaded). I plan on using one of those warmer plates in the evening so they can huddle under it for warmth. Should I use it during the day too just in case? Maybe set the plate in the highest setting? I'll cover it in hardware cloth so they can't escape.
Hello Jen, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
With that kind of heat I would not use a galvanized tub. The chicks need a lot of ventilation and you won't get good air movement in there.
But if you have no other alternatives, yes just the brooder plate at night and probably only for the first two weeks. They will not need that heat in the daytime. They're going to need cooling and fresh air in the daytime.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Congrats on your up and coming flock! Watch how they act. If they seem active and not huddling or piling on each other than they are probably good. If they appear cold, definitely add the heat. Keep it off in the corner, they can use it if they wish, if they don't then thats good too.

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