New roo seems to have brought peace to my flock

Today is our third day and EVERYONE IS SOO HAPPY AND RELAXED!!! I say that in bold because the change is PALPABLE! I am so pleased!

Really, they were relaxed the very next day but the roo was still acting a little on edge. Now he's just loving his flock and I have caught him twice in their nesting boxes trying to encourage them to lay. They aren't laying yet but could be any time now.

All of my hens approach me now, nobody shows any anxiety or fear, and my fighters have totally chilled out. The roo is a calm boy who doesn't seek my attention but he has no issues me or the kids, or anyone I bring into the coop area.
Hallelujah to that! :thumbsup
Thank you for sharing your positive rooster story.
Your new rooster is wonderful, share a photo of your roo and his ladies?
Having a rooster in the flock is wonderful to watch how the flock interact, the rooster is the leader caring and protecting his flock.

Keep in mind that he will get protective of his flock and if he thinks that his flock is in danger from human/animals alike he will charge out to protect his flock. It is natural so be mindful of that. I guess you know about this already.

I once had a rooster, and now without a rooster my flock is a mess. Still trying to workout some peace.

My rooster was sweet, cared for his ladies. He talked to us a lots, a real sweeties to us, but once in a while he attacked us, it rares but it did happen. We raised him from a chick & I often carried him about in the garden, he sat on my laps.

I miss my rooster every day.

All the best with your rooster leader of the flock!❤️

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