New to BYC from Virginia

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
While I am not new to bird keeping (macaw, parrotlet, cockatiels), I am new to chickens. We have just purchased a coop and am now placing an order for my first small/urban flock of six hens which are permitted by the city.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
At present, we do not have any chickens.

(3) What breeds do you have?
As we are restricted to six hens, we plan to have a mixed flock that includes the following: french black copper marans, blue cochin, light brahma, buff orpington, black australorp, and ????

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
To be determined.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Among others, my primary hobbies include teaching my two 8-yo standard poodles new tricks (sharp little buggers), outdoor square foot gardening during the spring/summer and indoor hydroponic gardening year round.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I am a college professor and now dedicate the majority of my time conducting cancer prevention research.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
I happened upon this site serveral times while searching for information about chicken keeping. My decision to join was based on much of the information that I read and an understanding that I would benefit from the years of experience of many members.
Can I ask where we purchased your coop? Or did you make it yourself?
Can I ask where we purchased your coop? Or did you make it yourself?
Sure. I purchased it a 6x18 ft from Carolina Coops. We live in the city but our home is backed up to a 180 acre park with a lot of predators...bears, foxes, coyotes, hawks, owls, name it. We certainly could have built our own, but I simply did not want to chance any avoidable mistakes given our lack of knowledge.

Hi, best of luck with your upcoming flock!
I will need it. Just placed my first order and could not come up with the sixth breed so I let them select it. The person chose a barred rock. Interestingly, that was precisely the breed I did not want (too many mixed commentaries re: disposition/temperament and bullying). I will either do more homework and change the last one or simply let the chips fall where they may and hope for the best.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

An Amish built coop or a pre-fab? If it's a pre-fab, please, please, PLEASE cancel the order! They are horribly designed, with a fraction of the square footage required per hen and built from the cheapest materials in existence. Start searching for a used, properly designed and sized coop that you can just clean and sanitize or try to find an old shed to convert into your coop then build on the largest run you can manage.
I purchased a 6x18 ft American Coop from Carolina Coops. I am considering going up to the 8x18ft. With either, we will build a large extension for a simulated "free range" as this is the best we can do. There are far too many predators in my neighborhood and chickens that are not enclosed is against city ordinances.
I enjoyed your intro! Thanks for telling us a little bit about yourself.

I like the breeds you chose. Maybe throw in an Easter Egger? They are fun.

I'm glad you joined the site! Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Thank you for the suggestion. I could not figure out #6 and let the person select the breed. She chose a barred rock - which is precisely what I did not want (mixed reviews). Although they do not arrive until June, I am panicking to determine if I should choose something else for #6.

An Easter Egger sounds fun. Are they fairly docile/easy to manage and can tolerate confinement? We cannot free range in our city so I have some constraints.

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