New to BYC from WI


Feb 14, 2025
Good Morning!
Joining from a snowy & cold WI winter morning! Our flock is cozily put away in their coop awaiting their breakfast (which they'll get soon) and trying to keep warm in these frigid temps!

We've had chickens for a couple of years now. We have 22 hens and Pete, our rooster. We have mixed breeds from Americauna, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, Copper Marans, Czech Gold Brindle & White Leghorns. They know when their humans are coming with their feed and flock to follow the "pied piper" during those times. ;) I say that jokingly, we live on 1/2 acre that's fenced in, so our driveway is also fenced. When my mother-in-law comes to our house to feed them (she & my SO are the primary caretakers) they know she's pulled up to the gate and flock to it to welcome her and follow her.

We began our chicken journey a couple of years ago raising for eggs and meat chickens. We've slowly grown the flock through purchases at our local farm tractor store and incubating last year. LY's incubation brought us a lot of roo's, so we harvested them. It's been a fun journey...we get a lot of entertainment watching them and truly enjoy the fruits of their labor.

My SO & MIL are also hunters. When we harvest deer, we butcher and make our own meat cuts, sausage, ground meat, etc. They bow and gun hunt. They've not ventured out into other animals yet, but I suspect turkey may be in our future.

I work a full-time job+ as a Director of Supplier Operations for a promotional company. My SO works as a foam cell operator (pouring foam into molds for seat cushions on tractors, mowers, etc.) and my MIL is retired (hence the primary caretaker of the flock.) My SO has 1 son who is 22 and as you know at that age, does his own thing.

I had occasionally looked at posts on FB about BYC, but didn't know there was a website with a forum. I'm so happy to be a part of this amazing community. While I don't play the active role much of feeding & caretaking of the chickens, I seem to be the one that is turned to in our family when there is a question about them. This forum is going to be an amazing resource and I can't wait to dig in deeper! Thank you for welcoming me!!

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