New to BYC!

Oh I've never kept them, but Chocolate Orpingtons seem really nice.

I've loved my Speckled Sussex. They are pretty and friendly.

If you can find Russian Orloffs, they are like a cross between Easter-Eggers/Ameraucanas and Speckled Sussex. They don't lay colored eggs or too many, but they are cute as heck. If you can only keep a few chickens, the Orloffs may not be too practical.

You've already kept Australorps; those are a favorite of mine, too.

I'd add Olive Eggers and get some more Marans again just for the rainbow egg basket. Cream Legbars are another fun blue egg layer.

If you're looking for other dark brown egg layers (generally not as dark as the Marans,) Welsummers are another good choice and Barnevelders are beautiful (not highly prolific, but they are usually sweet).
I’ve heard of Orloffs, they’re so pretty 🤩 My friend keeps speckled sussex as well and loves them. Thanks so much for the suggestions!

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