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Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive: It would be really nice if you could post pictures of your flock, a lot of different breeds! Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

Welcome Phaefner! I too, got into chickens at age 40, call it a crisis birthday. I hadn't had them since childhood. Now, 5 years later, still going strong and luv my girls! Great to have you join our BYC flock!
That was a really serious way to start raising chickens!

Many on here have trouble processing chickens. Did you have help?[/QUOTE]

Yes. However, as a kid, I did chickens every summer on my great aunts farm. I had the basic concept just had been YEARS since I’d done it and the kids were just “helpers”. I enlisted the help of my aunts boyfriend (along with my aunt and my 13 yr old daughter). He hasn’t done chickens, but he’s a hunter and has done geese and pheasants. In addition, he has an AMAZING feather plucker! I did every step of process at least once. I ended up doing most of the culling and feather plucking though. I had one that was sick, stopped growing at 4 weeks, went off legs. I couldn’t do that one because after making it a special breakfast and dinner everyday, carrying it and out of the cage for fresh air daily, talking to it, petting and holding it, I got attached ‍♀️ Thankfully, because of the info I found on this forum, I was able to get it back up in 2 days. It was never back to normal and had to be babied but lived it’s last couple weeks pretty comfortably SPOILED.

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