Unless there’s a few you really want I would order a variety.You could just get more of the ones you want more and fewer of the ones you don’t want as much.
Alright next step in the process!
I’m going to place my preorder for early in the spring season. Wanting to add about 6-8 so I don’t fill my coop too full. I have room for 11 more at this point allowing 4 sqft per bird and 15 in the run, I don’t want to push things to the absolute max. Anyway, with that in mind how many should I be ordering accounting for roosters and some possibly not hatching. 16? 24? Somewhere in between?
I do want a mix of breeds. I’m wanting legbars and mosaics I think for sure. I also am considering adding a few more marans, this hatchery has splash, blue and black marans so I’m curious what I’d get! And considering Swedish flower hens and bielefelders.
Is it worth just getting 2/3 of one of them or is that too big a chance they’d be roosters or not hatch and better to focus on just a few of the ones I’ve mentioned? Or do any of you love the variety and it is what it is if some don’t turn out to be pullets?