New to raising backyard birds


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
Hello everyone,

We are new to raising backyard birds and have just moved from the city to the country. We just moved into our new home and the previous owners had chickens and left their coop and run. Upon inspecting the area I have seen a wing, a foot and other misc bones. So I am not sure what contam inents/bacteria etc could be there. We have already planned on having our chickens in a different area but even disposing of the old coop etc could there still be dangers to our new chickens? The previous owners had moved out months ago and were renting the house out then we bought it so I don't know how long ago the chickens were there.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

There's a product called Odoban you can use to wash stuff and it kills Marek's in addition to just about everything else.

The dirt is a problem too though and I doubt you can use it for the dirt. If you did, it'd probably kill everything, but then I'd not want my chickens there to possibly eat it. I just rather like the idea of building something on the opposite side of the property and burning that one since there's obviously been death there and the cause is unknown.

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