new to raising chicks could use some advice !

The farther away from the chicks the light is the less hot it will be. We have the chicks in our bathtub right now, and the heat lamp is at one end. When they are hot, they move to the other end (where the water is) and when they get chilled they move back under the lamp. If they are panting, they are too hot.
Thats how i jave it right now is this ok or not safe...i wont be able to get a thermometer today but i can probably tomorrow
That looks ok to me. Just check on your little girls and make sure they have water, and make sure they aren't panting. They need it a bit on the warm side.

Here is my set up. The heat lamp is just out of the picture. My cats, Sidious (seen here) and Annikin, are most interested in the chicks, but don't trouble them.


  • 2018-03-04.  sid is checking out newbies.jpg
    2018-03-04. sid is checking out newbies.jpg
    139.9 KB · Views: 15
Will they drink from the waterer that i have? I felt it safer to get a hamster type so they cant drown but i think they are used to drinking from my fingertips
Will they drink from the waterer that i have? I felt it safer to get a hamster type so they cant drown but i think they are used to drinking from my fingertips
I have used the same type of waterer and one I have made with nipples but I usually give them that type once I have had them for awhile. You may want to give them water on a shallow dish for now just to get them to drink and you can also leave the hamster one in there too. Be sure to dip their beaks in it so they know what it is. You can also add small rocks to the waterer to help prevent drowning.

They will learn to use the hamster one eventualy though but it will take some training. Good luck on your babies though. They are super cute :love
I cant seem to get her butt cleaned :(
This worked for me with my baby Delaware who had pasty butt.
Get some warm water (not hot, but warm). Dip a baby wipe or thick paper towel into the warm water. With the baby in one hand and your warm, wet baby wipe in the other, slowly and gently clean the bum area and see if you can use little pinching motions to work the poo off. Sorry if this is too much information or gross, but they sometimes get a plug of poo, and it needs to be softened and removed. The warm water is the best way to break down the poo, especially if it is hard. Some chicks will cry when you do this, mine seemed not to mind at all. Be very gentle, and go slow. Make sure you don't get her all wet, because she could catch a chill. Just a little warm wipe of the bum. I hope this works for you. If you are able to clean it up, you can put a tiny (very tiny!) bit of neosporin back there to help heal any irritation and to make it slick, so poo doesn't stick again.
I had a Polish with persistent pasty butt.
I literally ran an inch or two of warm water in the bathroom sink. She had a good long soak of about 15 minutes before I started working on the yuck.
In cleaning I used a paper towel to work it off of her. Gently working at it until it was softened and could come loose.

I had to repeat the process several times before her initial pasty was clean. After her first cleanings I just had to keep a close watch and clean as needed.

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