New to raising laying hens


8 Years
Oct 26, 2011
I recently rebuilt a chicken coop on our property. I am nearly ready to purchase some chickens can anyone give me some advice on the best chickens to start out with. We live in the Northeast Georgia mountains and are interested in about 4-6 laying hens to go into our 6'x8' coop. I have made a predator proof yard of about 12'x20'. Any helpful advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hello and welcome to BYC from Ohio. Truly, I think the best layers are the hybrid breeds. Cinnamon Queens, Golden buffs, RSL, BSL, Amberlinks, there are so many different names for them.

My Barred Rock was also an excellent layer, and of course you've got your Leghorns, and Rhode Island Reds.....If you want a specific breed, I'd go with those
Welcome to BYC. You cant go wrong with Barred Rocks, my favorites.
from the Finger Lakes of New York!

Sorry, I know you are new, but I don't think anyone who has been here long believes there is any such thing as "predator proof". Predator resistent, yes. Highly predator resistent, yes. But, a motivated (and hungry) predator will eventually find a way in if you do nothing.

Best of luck with the new chickens and keep a watchful eye for predators working at your defenses!

Hello. Im new too. I have rode island red pullets. They should be laying any day and I will be waiting for that day lol. If you plan on hatching and selling chicks from good egg laying hens. I would go with pure bred chickens.
Welcome to BYC

We have black copper marans, they are hardy, heat resistant, and very entertaining. They lay dark brown eggs, if you are looking for good prolific layers they are not the best but they are dependable.

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