New ways to preserve eggs?


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Plainfield, IL
My Coop
My Coop
We are getting an average of 5 chicken eggs and 10 quail eggs per day. Or family of 3 cannot consume the eggs fast enough. I am looking to preserve a fair amount for the winter months if possible. Right now we are just giving away extras by the dozens. The neighbors and relatives love getting the eggs, but I don't like the idea of paying fir eggs through the winter months if I could be preserving what I am instead giving away (except the occasional, and it is rare, instance when somebody wants to pay for the eggs). So far, I am aware of several preservation methods, but none suit me.
I have heard of freezing eggs. Not a fan...
I read about preserving eggs in salt as well as ash. Not a fan...
I have been told by many to pickle eggs. No thank you...
I talked with my father-in-law about rubbing eggs with mineral oil. Could impact taste I imagine and is more of short term method...
I occasionally hardboil a dozen eggs to make them lay throughout the week in the fridge for breakfast and egg salad if they get 4 weeks old. Not quite a preservation method, nor will this method allow me to keep eggs stored from now until December through February.

So what CAN we do with our extra eggs?

Perhaps we could some things with them that will freeze well. Any ideas on egg-centric recipes that will freeze well?

Perhaps there are other preservation methods I haven't heard of. What do you do that I haven't seen yet?
Hi, like you i am also over run with eggs. lol We have 12 hens, i have pickled a huge
jar last week. I also love baking, so use a lot for Cakes Quiche, whatever recipe with
eggs, i make But as for the winter i have not got a clue. lol Maybe i will look up on freezing them. The very thought of buying them, from supermarkets, this winter is
a definate NO NO. I would rather go without lol. If you do hear of a way, please let
me know, and i will do the same. Because all us chicken/duck Mama sure can tell the diffrence. lol :th
Earnings seems like a risky gamble, I like that I never heard of it until this thread though. What else do you do to preserve eggs? I will likely freeze a number if egg foo young meals - made that a few weeks ago and it wad great and should freeze well. I might freeze some ordinary omelettes too.
Earnings seems like a risky gamble, I like that I never heard of it until this thread though. What else do you do to preserve eggs? I will likely freeze a number if egg foo young meals - made that a few weeks ago and it wad great and should freeze well. I might freeze some ordinary omelettes too.
I meant "water glassing" seems like a risky gamble.

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