New York mini chickenstock 2016

what age are your girls? That will help determine which of us has an age appropriate cockerel for them. I only have 1 I can part with and it's an 8 week old mutt.
My girls will be 12-13 weeks old at that point - got them a week apart but they are all about the same size. And they will be moving into their new, giant run at that point, so it's probably the best time to introduce someone turf for all. So excited, I pray I don't get jacked into working.
what age are your girls? That will help determine which of us has an age appropriate cockerel for them. I only have 1 I can part with and it's an 8 week old mutt.

My girls will be 12-13 weeks old at that point - got them a week apart but they are all about the same size.  And they will be moving into their new, giant run at that point, so it's probably the best time to introduce someone turf for all.  So excited, I pray I don't get jacked into working.

Yes, I know for myself I have lots of extra roosters to share. Many different colors!
Actually ended up with 4 more today because one of my customers got 5 Roos out of 7 chicks! Granted, they were from a much larger hatch of chicks, but that's a far shot from 50/50. So, 4 of my extra pullets went home with them. But I still have 2 available, one barred & one red/black - from different parents.
Due to my unplanned broody-fest, I am now swimming in chicks. I will have at least 35+ with me at chickenstock, hatched last week & the week before. My spitzhaubens are from a couple of the best breeders in the country. Dropping princing for chickenstock to $15/spitz chick and $5/cemani cull chicks or Merlerault-spitz cross chicks.
Due to my unplanned broody-fest, I am now swimming in chicks. I will have at least 35+ with me at chickenstock, hatched last week & the week before. My spitzhaubens are from a couple of the best breeders in the country. Dropping princing for chickenstock to $15/spitz chick and $5/cemani cull chicks or Merlerault-spitz cross chicks.
These are beautiful birds! Healthy, healthy healthy!
:) If we get rain - there is room for a few under my yellow tent :)

I'll be setting up early and trying to help Chicken girl as best I can ...
:)   If we get rain - there is room for a few under my yellow tent   :)  

I'll be setting up early and trying to help Chicken girl as best I can  ...

Oh, and I'll be under the yellow tent too, for anyone who needs to find me :)
I will be the crazy nut case in the pink camo hat, and if it rains I'm going to throw a fit!!!! Not that my hen's would care they play in the rain. I'm going to have a pop up tent all the food and such can go under if needed.
I will bet these are cute

Here's a couple of them:

They should grow into medium sized birds with fluffy hairdos. White egg layers. :)

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