Newbie chicken parents


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2024
I am new to chickens. We have 18 (unintentionally). We have Black Australorp; buff Orpington; ?rainbow layers; polish, and crested chickens. Not sure what 4 of them are because they were 'extras'. So far, I like watching them grow. We also purchased bees this year, so we have 2 beehives with about 60,000 bees. That still sounds crazy to me. I like to quilt, make junk journals and all kinds of crafty stuff. We like to ride our Harley we bought a couple of years ago. I am married to Ray, my wonderful hubby who has put up with me wanting all these critters.We have a blended family of 6 kids and 7 grands.
I heard about BYC through Google, I joined because I need to know more about chickens....from people instead of books...

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