Newbie here

IMHO, It had to be done. There's no point in keeping a bird that's dangerous to your flock.

I'm sorry for your loss
Thank you. She was so sweet. She and the one he attacked last night were sisters to each other and to HIM! They all grew up together, yet all he wanted to do was kill them for whatever reason as he power-pecked their heads. He'd have killed the 2nd one had I not seen it and caught it in time.
Hello, welcome to the chicken themed part of the internet!

Roosters are generally less aggressive to each other when there aren't any ladies to fight over.

I recommend the YouTube channel called "Welcome to Chickenlandia" since she takes a no-judgment approach and is very educational.
Here's a link to her channel:

I'm glad you get to enjoy the company of chickens and have a good day!:jumpy:highfive:
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I would definitely not allow the boys to gang up one one gal. Absolutely rehome all but one, which ever one seems most docile.

Best wishes with your flock!
They only gang up on her because she and the other hen I got last year are sexually mature. The boys tend to leave the pullets alone, probably because they aren't ready to lay yet. And from what I noticed, the adult they ganged up on doesn't even fight back, she tries to run but ends up taking it, whereas the other adult will at least peck at the boys to try to keep them off of her. This just started within the past few days.
Hello, and welcome to BYC. Develop a long term plan for the cockerels as it is unlikely that their behavior will improve.
But they just started doing this within the past few days, and I'm pretty sure it's only because of their drive for mating and the adults are the only ones who are sexually mature, whereas the pullets still have a month probably. They aren't aggressive, they are hormonally driven.

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