Newbie questions! Brooder size, hen vs rooster, etc.

I see your from the South, I'm from central Texas. We are blessed with warmer spring temps. than most. If your birds are 21 days old, Id put them out to the coop and run in another week. I usually start introducing my birds to the outside world at 5 days old, 3 to 4 hours a day weather permitting. By the time they are 4 weeks they are in the coop full time. IMHO chickens are better off and healthier if you can get them living outdoors as soon as possible.
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I have been considering doing that since it has been so warm outside. It's been in the high 70s to low 80s for a few weeks now. We are hanging the door on the coop tomorrow and we have posts up for the fence for the run but don't have the fencing for that yet. I have two outside dogs that were strays that I took in a few weeks ago so I don't want to let the chicks out without the run finished, at least until the pups and chicks get to know each other. Hopefully the run can get done next week! I agree, I would prefer for them to be outside more also because I know they would be alot happier than in a box. Plus, these chicks grow so fast, I'm afraid I'm going to have 15 full grown chickens still living in my living room soon!

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