Next animal?



Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
So for some reason today I was thinking about all the different animals we could possibly get next and I just figured I would make a post on it.

Now, before my mom was joking about how we could be self sufficient and I was thinking of other animals we could raise to that extent, like a mini cow or goats or rabbits but this is more the pet side and I was just thinking this in my own head. And, I will admit, I do think about the next animal quite often and I change my mind on what that should be often too BUT it's always the same few to choose from and over the years I've done research on most of them and most all would fit so it's not like I'm really changing my mind drastically or anything.


I obviously have the chicks right now and they're still babies and I am going to follow through on an idea for once but I don't know, I'm just always thinking of new ideas ha

So anyway, I'm not really sure why I made this thread but I guess I was sort of hoping that I WOULD be able to get another animal soon or eventually and that I could maybe get some more info on them and opinions on what is better OR, at the very least, pictures of your own cuties if I can't get any.

Now, another farm animal is a huge task, but I'm going to be making a list of all the animals I'm considering so I may as well include them too. Also, yes I know that pets are work too, perhaps even more, but I simply mean livestock is a bigger monetary and structural commitment. They're usually more expensive to buy snd stuff plus I'd have to build a whole other area instead of just buying a cage or building a much smaller enclosure. Though pet supplies do add up.. Haha

But okay, sorry, I know I've rambled a lot and haven't even gotten to the point or listed the animals yet and I know most people probably won't read this but oh well. Also it's like almost 2 AM so that's another reason this likely doesn't make sense so sorry.

Anyway, here are the lists along with concerns for each.


Guinea pigs - number 1 option right now. Heard a lot about vitamin C problems though and that does concern me. And the big pen but that's easy and they'll probably be outdoor if I make something secure.

Rabbits - I love them, used to have one when I knew nothing, but house rabbits require so much space and attention. I know if they have a friend it's better but it's still a lot of time and training. Plus it makes me nervous letting it run loose with the dog. I know outdoor rabbits are an option but to me, that's almost MORE work because you have to make sure they're getting the proper attention and care even though they're outside. They'd also have a decent enclosure for exercise whether indoors or out but still. Meat rabbits are possibly an option but I don't think I could ever bring myself to do it and my mom thinks even meat chickens are gross/sick let alone a cute little rabbit. These are like almost number 1 except all these problems. Unless they're easier?

rodents - I would LOVE rats but that will never happen while at home but then I thought recently maybe mice and I could sneak them home but my mom hated mice just as much and would probably find them eventually anyway. For a while a few months ago I was really into hamsters then gerbils but now I don't think I'd want a hamster. They just don't seem that interactive. I don't know. And gerbils are ADORABLE but I've heard they're a little flighty or fast but I don't know.

birds - for a while I was in love with parakeets or cockatiels and still am but I've decided that house birds are probably too much work. Mixing fruits and veggies for them and all the poop and attention commitments and stuff and I don't know. I then briefly thought about an outdoor aviary and it would be cool (anyone ever done an Australian thing like at the zoo with cockatiels and parakeets and i think cockatoo and stuff?) but it's still work with the different kinds of seeds and fruit mashes and all that junk. But I guess the guinea pigs would need it too and chickens would get that stuff as treats too

Reptiles - I would LOVE a corn snake but my family HATES snakes. I'd love a leopard gecko or bearded dragon too but the bugs and lights and stuff puts me off, seems like lots of work. Snakes seem easier but probably still work. Forgot to add this last night: I've thought about turtles or tortoises too but turtles are just as much or more work than a fish and a tortoise could work but wasn't sure if they were boring and they live soooo long. Same for birdd actually

Possible but not likely:

I've alsp briefly thought about ferrets, bigger or more intelligent parrots like macaws or African Greys, hedgehogs, chinchilla briefly, etc. Etc. But my mom thinks ferrets are gross and smell too much (do they? Possible outdoor area but even so I don't like the feeding them raw thing. Wanted to try for dog but for some reason weirded out or too much work for ferrets), decided the big parrots are wayyy too much work, and hedgehogs and chinchillas I don't think I know enough about and I heard hedgehogs have some spit some people are allergic too.


This should be easy haha not gonna list cons for this one.

Rabbits (like for meat/breeding/farm purpose not pets)

All those could be mini or full size.

Oh and also under pets I forgot that I've also wanted another cat or dog. Dog probably too much work but cat was another number one idea before today.

And a project is I was gonna build a cat enclosure next. And this hoop coop idea I've thought of so many applications from housing livestock to storage to a greenhouse.
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I posted this pretty late last night (like two in the morning lol) so I'm just somewhat bumping it in case anyone missed it. That said, it's really random, really doesn't have a point, and REALLY long so I completely understand if and why people don't reply. BUT. I would be happy with even just pictures of animals. I love pictures.

Or of just guinea pig info.

How about a crested gecko? They only need a ten gallon or larger tank (taller is better. I got mine from Petsmart), they will tolerate some handling, they live a relatively long time, they have come down in price (you can get them at Petsmart now and they are often on sale), and they don't need a heat source of your house temp is around 70. I do have a heat lamp for mine though because it is often colder in my apartment.

They don't eat live food. I order mine from Amazon and it is from a company called Pangea. It's called Crested Gecko Diet and you just mix it with water. I clean the tank about once a month and feed him every other night. I change his water every night or every other night depending on whether I remember or not!

I feel like I might have heard of those before and when I did I feel like it was mentioned that they're even easier than a Leo but for some reason I never seriously considered it. They seem like a great option! Especially the not eating live food and small tank aspects. Do they need any humidity or anything like that?

This should be easy haha not gonna list cons for this one.

Goats You need at least two
Cows You need at least two
Pigs You need at least two
Horses You need at least two
Donkeys You need at least two
Ducks Flock animals like the chickens, need another duck to be stress free as well.
Rabbits (like for meat/breeding/farm purpose not pets)
Sheep You need at least two
Alpaca You need at least two
Llama You need at least two

All those could be mini or full size.

Oh and also under pets I forgot that I've also wanted another cat or dog. Dog probably too much work but cat was another number one idea before today.

And a project is I was gonna build a cat enclosure next. And this hoop coop idea I've thought of so many applications from housing livestock to storage to a greenhouse.

Just reminding you that basically all the livestock you listed are herd animals and would need the company of another herd animal in order to be healthy and stress free. If you cannot get two goats, for instance, DO NOT get any, the one will not live a good life alone. If multiples are an issue, then those animals are all off the table.

Do all your research thoroughly. Build any enclosures before bringing an animal home. Know what can go wrong.
Just reminding you that basically all the livestock you listed are herd animals and would need the company of another herd animal in order to be healthy and stress free. If you cannot get two goats, for instance, DO NOT get any, the one will not live a good life alone. If multiples are an issue, then those animals are all off the table.

Do all your research thoroughly. Build any enclosures before bringing an animal home. Know what can go wrong.

Oh yeah no I know, if I got any if those I would definitely get at least two! The goats and ducks I'd probably get even more than two. I do appreciate the info though :) especially since some.people do try to just get one goat as a pet, etc. Although I will say, I doubt we'll get cows just because ofthe neighbors but I've heard of people getting just one? I don't think I'd want to but I know people do for milk and stuff but I'm assuming they're herd animals too? I've heard of people with really small lots like an acre or less getting this stuff, new urban trend I guess, and I don't understand it. I can understand chickens but cows seem like a rather large animal. Horses are probably too much work and money plus our yard is hilly so not sure where I'd make a ring unless I just got companion ones. Hah anyway, thanks.

As for research, I will definitely need to do that. I've researched goats and ducks before because I wasn't sure if I wanted those or chickens but I'll definitely need to read more. The others I really haven't researched which is probably bad but I would if I went that route. I'll definitely have to build the thing beforehand though, that's been the mistake with the chickens. Knowing what can go wrong us important too and a good suggestion because I feel like I tend to just research other stuff like the feeding, housing, and care requirements and/or think it's not so difficult but forget to research the other stuff
I have budgies that live outside nothing special they get seeds most days.
Ive had a rabbit to. Was a wild one. Had a urine problem.
I had mice before. They smell terrible and eat their own babies. As for rats there nasty i have a rat problem in my coop. Those are not cute at all when they steal your eggs and chew through your feed. Most rodents like mice rats hamsters chew on the bars of the cage all night....nothing more irritating then that.
Though i would love goats pygmy goats there so adorable!
I had mice before. They smell terrible and eat their own babies. As for rats there nasty i have a rat problem in my coop. Those are not cute at all when they steal your eggs and chew through your feed. Most rodents like mice rats hamsters chew on the bars of the cage all night....nothing more irritating then that.
Though i would love goats pygmy goats there so adorable!
I've never noticed much of a smell with pet mice. no more than any animal that potties in their cage and needs daily cleaning.

domestic rats don't have much n common with wild rats, not even looks.

mice, rats, and hamsters don't chew on their cage bars if given appropriate mental stimulation and chew toys. Rats are actually incredibly intelligent and can learn tricks like a dog.
we have guinea pigs. the vitamin c problem simply means that you need to be sure to feed them correctly and supply veggies in their diet. They do best in groups of at least 2 but are good with being single if you spend a lot of time with them. If you plan on having them outside, you'll definitely need to have at least 2
Thanks for the info everyone and sorry I didn't reply before.

Anyway, yeah, I actually have heard male mice can smell pretty bad but I think with regular cleaning it wouldn't be so bad.

That's good info about the guinea pigs too, thank you. So you don't think they need supplements?

For the bar thing I don't think it's necessarily only having chew toys. It can be a stress thing too or a space issues. For example, people think those hamster cages they sell at pet stores are okay but in reality they need a lot of space and need floor space more than all the vertical tunnels and stuff. They don't climb much unlike mice. So naturally if they're in a small wire cage they would chew. Rats especially need lots of room too being bigger. Critter Nations are perfect but expensive so smaller cages do work but only for one or two. Mice I think the cages they sell would work but still need exercise. I don't know.

Sorry, didn't mean to act like I know everything because I don't, hence why i asked, but I have done research and.have friends that have rats and the cage bar chewing thing is one that I have come across a lot so know more about. The problem is the small cages and (usually, not necessarily you) lack of toys or things to do. Not to mention hamsters being nocturnal.

I agree that wild rats are gross and I actually still don't like the tail even on domestic rats but domestic ones are nothing like them. They're actually really friendly from what I've heard and recognize their owners, do tricks, etc. Etc. Just like dogs and they groom a ton just like cats. They're very clean despite popular belief. Also if they are in a cage inside they are better and they won't attract wild rats or anything nor do they have diseases (well there's like one or two things you can get but cleanliness fixes it and they don't like have the plague). They're not mean. I believe they are also a different breed. I know wild rats and mice are pests but domestic rats are completely different. Now I will agree I can hardly tolerate the tail and teeth and.sometimes they drip pee as they walk and those are all gross which is why i don't have any yet (and.parents) but I am will look past it because they are otherwise amazing animals. Even if I didn't think so i wouldn't say that to someone.

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