'nice' rooster

I have a very sweet cockerel that is a Black Copper Maran. He is one of my nicest chickens in the whole flock. He does a great job with his flock. He's going to be a great roo. I lucked out, since this is my first experience with chickens.
What attributes make a "nice" rooster? For me it's
#1- Can I work in the pen with him and not worry when I turn my back.
#2- How easy is he on the hens
#3- Are the eggs fertile.
#4- Is he a great example of the breed standards
#5- Do his offspring reflect the traits I want

I have had and currently have some beautiful roosters. The only large fowl I am currently breeding is Welsummers. I have never had a mean Welsummer yet I know of some that are horrible. In fact a friend had a rooster that was a hatchmate to my current rooster and it was meaner than sin. Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time in the run at eye level with my birds taking pictures and he on several occasions was mere inches from me yet net advanced towards me at all.

My current roosters


Blue Orpington

Spangled Hamburg

Yes! There are nice roosters, I have had/have a few. For standards, I love my FBCM roo. He doesn't bother us at all and he is great to his ladies, we never made a pet of him but I can do anything I need to his ladies and if he needs something I just pick him up and take care of it. I hatched out several of his sons last year and each one was nice but they were out of EE hens so most of them went to freezer camp. A couple when to a new home. I have had several silkie roos too and two of them were naughty but the rest are/were great! I have 4 FBCM chicks that I hatched out a couple weeks ago and hope that one of them is a boy... I think Randy needs help with his ladies. To many for one boy to keep track of when they are free ranging!
We got an older rooster so we knew he would be a sweetheart. He's a splash Bantam Cochin and he loves everyone, people, dog, or hen. I give him worms when he's away from the flock and he'll spend 10 minutes calling the hens over to give it to one of them. He replaced a rooster that was perfectly fine with people but evil towards the hens. It's so much fun having a nice rooster, you should definately try to find one.
Our Jersey Giant is a benevolent dictator. He keeps order and stops the dominant hens from abusing the smaller ones. He doesnt fear us, nor is he overly aggressive toward us. Every bird is different, but Jersey Giants are known to be mellow dudes.

I feel so lucky after reading this post. My RIR roo(Buddy) was give to me buy a gentleman just up the road. He had a few eggs incubated and out popped a roo. My Ameraucan roo(Tuffy) I bought as a week old. Both are well mannered and the only thing either has been agressive to is my Jack Russel Terrorist. Buddy like to fluff up at her when I'm not close.

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