My 2 Bielefelder hens also developed static crop/pendulous crop at 9 months. They were survivors of a mountain lion attack when they were 8 weeks old and we suspect the trauma may have thrown things off for them (as a possible factor).
Anyhow, as new chicken keepers, it took a while to grasp that what we were witnessing needed some serious attention. We managed to empty their crops, but recurrences have happened, though less and less frequently. Both crops are chronically overstretched and sag a little even when empty. They are now 18 months old, and continuing to live good, active lives.
Many things helped to empty their crops at various times. Epsom salt water for speedy emptying, yogurt, garlic, probiotics, acidified copper sulfate, raw eggs, restricted diet, crop buster pills, massages, aloe juice, herbal tinctures, crop bra.
The 2 things that really seem to have made the most long-lasting positive effects are regular garlic and our switching food brands. Someone suggested they might be sensitive to something in our current brand (thus the recurrence) so we switched and recurrence notably diminished. We had been using Scratch and Peck but switched to Kalmbach. Scratch and Peck is a very good brand - my flock otherwise thrived on it. On most days - but especially while they are having an acute episode - they get raw garlic-stuffed blueberries (2 per hen). We’ve never done the crop bra for more than a day or two - so that might help long term as well if used for a longer period of time.
Also the flock loves to eat chia seeds. This helps make things slippery in the gut and keeps the chickens engaged for a long time to boot.
We have wondered if Bielefelders are prone to crop issues. We got a Bielefelder rooster (almost a year younger than the hens) and they all had symptoms of crop issues after giving them raw broccoli piñatas one day. His crop was a little larger than usual and he was adjusting his neck/crop in the same way one of the hens had at various times during this whole process. Happily it didn’t develop into any problem for him.
Hope your girl is doing better.
Anyhow, as new chicken keepers, it took a while to grasp that what we were witnessing needed some serious attention. We managed to empty their crops, but recurrences have happened, though less and less frequently. Both crops are chronically overstretched and sag a little even when empty. They are now 18 months old, and continuing to live good, active lives.
Many things helped to empty their crops at various times. Epsom salt water for speedy emptying, yogurt, garlic, probiotics, acidified copper sulfate, raw eggs, restricted diet, crop buster pills, massages, aloe juice, herbal tinctures, crop bra.
The 2 things that really seem to have made the most long-lasting positive effects are regular garlic and our switching food brands. Someone suggested they might be sensitive to something in our current brand (thus the recurrence) so we switched and recurrence notably diminished. We had been using Scratch and Peck but switched to Kalmbach. Scratch and Peck is a very good brand - my flock otherwise thrived on it. On most days - but especially while they are having an acute episode - they get raw garlic-stuffed blueberries (2 per hen). We’ve never done the crop bra for more than a day or two - so that might help long term as well if used for a longer period of time.
Also the flock loves to eat chia seeds. This helps make things slippery in the gut and keeps the chickens engaged for a long time to boot.
We have wondered if Bielefelders are prone to crop issues. We got a Bielefelder rooster (almost a year younger than the hens) and they all had symptoms of crop issues after giving them raw broccoli piñatas one day. His crop was a little larger than usual and he was adjusting his neck/crop in the same way one of the hens had at various times during this whole process. Happily it didn’t develop into any problem for him.
Hope your girl is doing better.