No longer keeping chickens. Selling 22 layers hatched May 09 & coop

Sorry for your problems, most of the time the best neighboor is no neighboor.

Keep in mind that once he got his way with you regarding chicken in this case, the next he may tell you he does not like your tree, cause it sheds leaves on his property. Or he does not like color of your house.

Happened to me when I was living in one of those "friendly" subdivisions, my neighbor compained about my pecan tree, he wanted me to cut it down. I refused, then complained about my dog. So I privacy fenced off my yard with cypress fence, (that was in this "friendly" subdivision where fences where considered unfriendly and offensive, but were legal.

So I told him "If you do not like trees you should move out of Florida to some treeless state, cause trees are here everyehere, and if you do not like my fence that's too bad, cause I can have it here.

That was too much fot this jerk, he put his house for sale and moved out.

**edited for language**
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Awww I would just die if I had to get rid of my chickens
I feel so bad for you.
I wouldn't give in either...that said, if I could drive right now I'd be right there for this coop!

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