Noise reducing aviary design

I just walk mine into their coop, it is 6ftx8ft, I had a much smaller coop that was very hard for them to be locked in, they go in very easily into their shed.
I will always lock mine in, in the night because of predator issues, and would hate for something to happen to them.
That's great that they go in easily.

Our whole aviary is fully predator proof and the new one will be as well.

They currently have a choice of indoor and outdoor roosts. I'll have to rethink how to work things in the new aviary. I was already thinking about having the outdoor roosts under shelter for weather reasons. Maybe I can design something that opens up fully so it feels like part of the outside but that can be closed up at night. Then I could make that just the one roosting area so they'd have to go in it.
Thanks! Yes, I remember seeing your amazing set up and that is what gave me the idea for the shelter above the roosts in the first place. I've always kept it in mind for when we build the new aviary. Rain here often comes in almost horizontally so I would definitely need something wider. I might as well make it into a hybrid shelter / shed that can be closed.

So for the last few nights anyway we have been herding them into their sheds and it is so much quieter. They don't love it but they're tolerating it ok. We probably only need to do it for another few weeks now that the solstice has passed. It doesn't get fully dark at night here at this time of year so once it starts getting darker and the breeding season slows down we can try them outside again.

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