I am not sure if this was for me but I'll answer because it would be great to figure out a solution!How long have you kept them confined 24/7....
.....and not gone out to 'see' when they are fussing?
How old are these birds, in weeks or months?
How many birds do you have?
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help here.
The 8 girls were moved out to the coop at 8 weeks old and confined 24/7 during the acclimation period and teaching them that was their coop and safe spot to roost. First week inside coop (5' X 6') then 2 weeks in run (5' X 16'). I spread food and treats all over the coop(along with feeders full of food) for them to scratch around for if they were ever locked up but this no longer works. I opened up the fenced in area (additional 7' X 24') with larger dust bath area, lots of cover and shade and our leaf/compost pile to scratch around in. Totally content there for a bit. I've always allowed some full yard free ranging from 1 hr to most they day depending on us being home to watch.
They are now 6+ months and free range 90% of the time.
I have never not gone out to check on them when they are being loud, including jumping out of bed at 6:15 am, to try and quiet them. They are very loud with the egg laying song, squawking at each other when they want the same nest box and the one that bothers us and we would like to stop is the pacing and complaining to get out and free range which we have now given into just to keep them quiet. They also get loud when they see me coming, which was cute at first, but now just loud. We have a 6ft privacy fence and dog that is great at keeping critters out (except those damn cute yet destructive squirrels) so we feel they are safe from ground threats at least. I don't believe a hawk will swoop down when the 80# dog is out with them. I feel like I went off on a tangent, where was I?
Here are some pictures. The first two are the coop and run, the second two are inside the coop(the lamp was only used for acclimation week 1 and having a light to bring them inside to roost week 2. It is no longer used and unplugged. The third is the fenced in run and the last is the back door to the fenced in area that we are trying to figure out how to add an automatic door. Hubs built everything so he can also make the modifications needed.
If anyone has suggestions to quiet these girls down in the mornings I would be extremely grateful!!
Thank you!
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