NON omega 3 food? Smelly fishy eggs


In the Brooder
May 6, 2024
My black sex link lays smelly musty (fishy) smelling eggs. All other chicks in coop are perfect eggs. The sexlink is a perfectly healthy hen and the eggs don’t even seem to be dangerous, they are just very off putting in smell and taste. I’ve read this could be a reaction to omega 3 in diet?
Is anyone familiar with this issue?
Does anyone have a recommendation on a good layer feed that has a very low omega 3 content? (Or other suggestions on the issue?)
Also, oddly, it’s only ONE of my two black sexlinks…

Thank you!!!
As you said, it is odd only one of your chickens is laying fishy smelling eggs. Are you feeding them the same diet? I read it could be something to do with genetics, which could be the reason only one is laying these eggs.
My black sex link lays smelly musty (fishy) smelling eggs. All other chicks in coop are perfect eggs. The sexlink is a perfectly healthy hen and the eggs don’t even seem to be dangerous, they are just very off putting in smell and taste. I’ve read this could be a reaction to omega 3 in diet?
Is anyone familiar with this issue?
Does anyone have a recommendation on a good layer feed that has a very low omega 3 content? (Or other suggestions on the issue?)
Also, oddly, it’s only ONE of my two black sexlinks…

Thank you!!!
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where fishy taint is explicitly addressed, and is associated with abnormally elevated trimethylamine (TMA) levels in the digestive system. It is specific to the hen in question, and in particular to her microbiome, which may vary very significantly from anyone else's in the flock, and which changes, it's not fixed for life so to speak.

You might try not-layer feed (i.e. anything other than layer feed) and see if it helps her produce better eggs.

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