North Carolina

Good question... I have no idea. Start cracking eggs, look for the bulls eye.
WOOO HOOO feel like I got stuff accomplished today!

After getting off work at 8am, I drove to Durham and picked up my 5 turkeys. Had to put up with stupid people wanting to take pictures of them.....they have never seen a live turkey before.(deprived) Then had to put up with a sobbing woman that was mad I was going to kill them. UGH

Got home, changed, chores, got everything set up. Processed 5 chickens and 1 turkey.

More chores. Then drove over an hour away and picked up 2 new SUPER cheap coops. They are still on the truck because its dark and I don't have help.

I can't wait for tomorrow. More processing then its time to divide the flocks into their new coops and put all the old enough birds in the grow out run! By spring I'll have some REALLY nice French Marans fertile eggs and hopefully some chicks.

Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I'll have enough energy to try a new bread recipe.
3-5 days. You have to wait for a new egg to release and start the development process. Ones with the thicker membrane and shell already started cannot be fertilized.


Up but certainly not bright eyed.
I need a nap already !

Have to go get hay and feed today, maybe I will just get moving so I can get home and nap before the kids get home.
Wow, if you ever feel like you have some extra energy... please... come share!!!!!!!!!

Haven't heard back on the job front yet... hubby says he's going to call both places, say "Hi" and he's still interested, and just let them know he's very focused and serious about the positions.
It used to be very good to show you have interest after job interviews by contacting them to let them know not to forget you. I wonder if that's frowned on now? :p
I think following up is always a great idea, by email, note, or phone. He could just say, "Thanks for the interview. I think we'd be a great fit and I hope you'll consider me for the position!"
I am so pleased you had a good hatch!! Looks like 8 out of the 9, great hatch...................

SO CUTE!!! what colors are they??

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