North Carolina

What do you all suggest for segregating mamma broody?? What is a good set up?
AHHH, so many things to do now!!
I use a large dog kennel that I can put a plastic box in to hold her nest and put in new nest, and food and water bowls. I end to put this in an area that other things cant get to the kennel. but in a shady spot. When I'm ready to move the broody, I wait for dark. Than I remove her eggs and put them in something safe to move them and I grab the hen and some of the old nest and place on new nest. Lastly I slip eggs back under her.
So I have been looking at incubators for my son for his b-day and have narrowed it down to 3 possibilites. To help with my decision for those of you who own the Genesis 1588 or a styrofoam incubator what is involved in cleaning it and how hard is it? I have no clue about cleaning but was wondering what it invovled. The other one I am thinking of is the Brinsea and being plastic would be easier from those who have helped me in my incubator quest.
Oh and I forgot to ask... while playing with our 2 chicks I kept noticing on one(the dark one) on her right side upper chest bulged out more. It kinda of freaked me out, like she is deformed. Then I touched it a little and I guess this bulge I see and then felt is her heart. I looked at the yellow one a little more closely and hers is not as apparent, but when I touched her their it felt the same. Being new to chickens I have no clue and just wanted to make sure it is normal? Heres a pic just incase , dont know if you can see what I am speaking of...
Oh and I forgot to ask... while playing with our 2 chicks I kept noticing on one(the dark one) on her right side upper chest bulged out more. It kinda of freaked me out, like she is deformed. Then I touched it a little and I guess this bulge I see and then felt is her heart. I looked at the yellow one a little more closely and hers is not as apparent, but when I touched her their it felt the same. Being new to chickens I have no clue and just wanted to make sure it is normal? Heres a pic just incase , dont know if you can see what I am speaking of...

That would be the crop. That is were the food goes before they digest.

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