North Carolina

thx for the link guys and gals........
i just bushhogged a lot where i'm gonna put my run. do i need to do anything like put down sevin or de? it was way overgrown and had wild rabbits and other animals on it. thx folks.
Well, DD says that there are some possible olive eggers, we have to wait to see what color of egg they lay. Lone chicks don't do good by themselves, chickens like to be with other chickens, so if you go the chick route than you will need more than one.
Talked to the inspector today about testing. The normal route is to treat, wait three weeks, then test. If it's clean, wait a month and test again. However, he said if, after we dispose of the highest risk birds, we want to test a group of chickens before treating, so see if it's still in the flock, he would do that. That will let us know if we want to pursue it before going to the expense of treating. Treating may help sick birds, but it won't cure carriers. This will tell us if we have carriers. The turkeys will also get tested.

We have guests this weekend. City folk, so we won't slaughter this weekend. Don't want to upset kiddies who weren't raised to know where their food comes from. But we can butcher all the ones from the pen that the sick ones came from on the following weekend. That's the remaining Marans and the older Buff Orpingtons which were about to be soup birds anyway. There's a couple of the EE pullets which I'll regret losing, and one lovely olive egger pullet, too. But the pen we'll try to test has all my B/B/S Orpingtons, my black split and lavender Orpingtons, my BLRW, and most of my EEs and a couple olive eggers. My best birds and my best egg color potential all in one pen right now, and nobody has been sick out of that pen at all. We should be able to get them tested on the 20th/21st of this month, if all goes well. And then we'll know what our next step is.

I did get the final necropsy paperwork from State. They were also tested for AI and a few other diseases, and were negative for all of those.
Step 1.

Keep those toes crossed! I'm still hoping to salvage birds out of this! Plus, if all goes well, I could be restocking this fall instead of in the spring! Yay!
chicken scratch poultry. we ordered three with our order. we could get an extra but you're a
long way from boone.

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