North Carolina

great to hear HT

Where do kids get things??? My DS is running around telling the oldest DD that she has crack-itis ?!?!
All I can do is laugh, why do I even find it funny???
Lookit Lookit!!! I finally got guineas

Ill post in that section too but just wondered if anyone knew what color they are considered? They did come from a free-range flock of whites and pearls (not 100% positive on the pearls) and they may have had other colors too.

My hen Freckles decided to be evil when I brought them in but it just turns out she just forgot to lay her egg this morning like everyone else and decided to lay it at 6 in the evening... I think her internal alarm clock needs new batteries

Pearl Pied.

Girls will make a sound that say "buck wheat " Boys just "" Give them time...takes a bit.
Quote: One was making the "" noises on the way home, the other stayed silent. Of course now that they are in the big dog cage, I have no idea which one is which but oh well. We shall see.
Try seperating them for an hour, they should call back and forth to eachother, then you might be able to tell which is which.
Hey all.... had to come look at all the new pictures of the chickens! (and guineas!) Adorable!

I'm thinking of going to WCA next week. I have a neighbor who wants to be rid of a Easter Egger Hen who his other chickens have been picking on, and I really need to get Lily a friend. She's so lonely all locked up. :( She gives me the sad face whenever I check on her.

So who else is planning on going?
Good morning folks

I heard on the news about the school
that has allowed solar panels to be
put up on it's roof and is renting the roof
area to the company that put them there.
What a good idea and I certainly hope
the school gets to keep the money from
this adventure. When we traveled this past
summer, we seen alot of the wind turbines,
acres and acres of them sometimes and we
seen a solar panel farm, again acres of it.
All this out in the western states, why don't
we have more of these to help out here?
Just thoughts.......hope your day is a good one.

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