North Carolina

I am going to have to sweet talk my husband to build me a brooder box. I got two older girls that are 10 weeks old (barred rocks). They are so sweet. I want some more. But all this cold weather they would a box. Hopefully in the next few weeks he will build me one

You can brood them in a plastic tote. Its really easy!
What do I need ? A light? Shavings? Feeder and Waterer? and a tote?
AND a screen or something for the top for when they start trying to fly. Trust me, there is no better learning experience then trying to round up 30+ chicks in a cluttered basement at 2am. Don't ask me how over half learned to fly out on the same night.

AND a screen or something for the top for when they start trying to fly. Trust me, there is no better learning experience then trying to round up 30+ chicks in a cluttered basement at 2am. Don't ask me how over half learned to fly out on the same night.


haha I am sure that was a interesting sight and experience. How do you keep the temperature at the degrees it needs to be?
They will be fine with a small lamp pointed on one side of the coop. They just need a place to be able to get warm. I never have a thermometer in my brooders.

Oh ok. My coop in totally enclosed. I shut them up at night, so there isn't any drafts. I am glad you told me this. Might be a littler easier than what I had expected. I am going to try and convince him that I need them
I have a themometer that I use in brooders. It is a wireless digital. I place the sensor in middle and keep the receiver with the readout in my pocket or beside the bed. Not really necessary, but I am paranoid about the light going out. I think it was $8 at walmart.

The light for heat is on one side of the brooder. If the chicks are staying right under it huddle they are too cool. If all away from light they too warm. If they are wondering/running back and forth, occasionally falling down to sleep when they get tired, they are good.

I have a themometer that I use in brooders. It is a wireless digital. I place the sensor in middle and keep the receiver with the readout in my pocket or beside the bed. Not really necessary, but I am paranoid about the light going out. I think it was $8 at walmart.

The light for heat is on one side of the brooder. If the chicks are staying right under it huddle they are too cool. If all away from light they too warm. If they are wondering/running back and forth, occasionally falling down to sleep when they get tired, they are good.


Thank you Matt!!
AND a screen or something for the top for when they start trying to fly. Trust me, there is no better learning experience then trying to round up 30+ chicks in a cluttered basement at 2am. Don't ask me how over half learned to fly out on the same night.

ooh you mean "monkey see monkey do"

I use a plastic tote (the longest one at walmart that is a couple hands tall and is clear) I just get the matching lid with it and let DH drill holes in it with his big bolt cement drill bit (about big enough to push a plug end through with some work) works great and easy to clean
and not to pricey to replace if you break it

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