North Carolina

darkbyrd, you never know there cold be chicks at this next show. It was too cold to have them at the last one. ya'll have a great day.. Hope everyone is feeling better. just look outside at that sunshine..
Just remember one thing, we're contagious, you start hanging around here and before you know it you'll be over run with chickens, and won't remember how it happened
Another "newbie" here near Hickory, NC. I'm posting with a mixture of tears and a lot of discouragement. I've been researching constantly for the last month or so, in the hopes of getting DH to agree to having some backyard chickens. At first, he would immediately stop the conversation and wasn't even up for discussion. Then he said he would think about it (after I had all but given up.) Then he said maybe, but not until after our trip out of the country in October (for 2 weeks.) OCTOBER!!! That's like, years away from now!!

I finally got him to sit down and l shared some things I envision: A coop raised off the ground, cheapest materials possible, about 5 x 5, a run about 8x12 to 8x15 ft., with about 6 chickens. After my sharing, he almost went back to his first reaction. He said that was more involvement and expense than he was willing to commit to. I'm sad...

(But I'm still subscribed to NC forum, and still researching. That glimmer of hope isn't totally extinguished...And I really enjoy reading your posts!
Hello, Anyone not to far from Oconee County SC, i am looking for grown birds: black ameraucana and speckled sussex! can someone please help me find some?!
Spring must be on the way. This is just one set of the dozens of crocuses that are up.

That is Daffodils sprouting among them and in the upper left corner is a Tulip just coming up.

Hello my peeps...I know this is the wrong area for this question, but a lot of you check in here and I didn't want to start another thread...I am building my coop and it will be 4'x8'x5' tall and open into a covered open air run that will be 8'x14'...I know what the books say on calculations, but its not real specific as to sq' per bird in a coop only or a coop and run etc...

With the configuration above, what is your opinion of max amount of Chickens?

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