North Carolina

I figured it might be something like that. I try to have a lot of different looking chickens so I can say "the brown hen" or " the white hen" and even that is too much for most of my family...I mean right now we have 6 barnyard mixes, a white roo, 2 red brown and grey laced pullets, their wheaten colored mom, a gray and white spotty kind of pullet, and then one orange colored pullet. Then we have 1 buff Orpington, one leghorn (possibly a mix as she has a heavier body shape than leghorns I think), and a big old white rock rooster, and a silkie rooster also white. All the chickens are called by their color except Bruce the big white rock. And the silkie rooster that we call the fuzz but once there are 10 all white chickens I can see my descriptions will need work.
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

I also talk to my birds. When I'm wading through them, I say "excuse me". I greet them when I go out, tell them good morning and good night, thanks for the eggs and all that stuff. What I don't try to do any longer is name them all. There's always a few that end up with names, but most don't.

Enjoy your day!
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

I also talk to my birds. When I'm wading through them, I say "excuse me". I greet them when I go out, tell them good morning and good night, thanks for the eggs and all that stuff. What I don't try to do any longer is name them all. There's always a few that end up with names, but most don't.

Enjoy your day!
SO TRUE!! I made that mistake with my first "batch" of chickens and since we planned from the beginning to process the roosters and only keep the layers until they stopped laying...well, it made it REALLY hard to process them. The only chickens I name now are my honorary keepers (which I don't have...yet) - those are my mamas, my broody hens who decide they are nothing more than mommas!! I had 2 beautiful and sweet girls: Belle & Olivia who were cochins and had been given the green light to stay on as long as they wanted "free of charge" (ie: didn't have to lay one single egg) because they were such good good they attacked a hawk to protect a young chick that wasn't even "theirs". I loved those fluffy butts!! Now I just have to wait for the new ones to hatch (and be girls
) and bring them home...once Beth is done working her "chicken magic" on them!!

Good Morning everyone!! Beautiful weather we've been having...makes me ALMOST think that spring has finally arrived!! I hope you have a wonderful day doing whatever it is that you need to do. Me? Today I research homeschooling material as the oldest has asked to start school so she can "read all by myself"! Who knew reading Little House in the Big Woods (book 1 of Little House on the Prairie) aloud would have her sit STILL for HOURS listening (even letting me explain things). LOL, guess she's a book addict like her mama!!
Lots of good...and not so good....homeschooling info and materials out there. We ended up using Clonlara, as we didn't want a "canned" program. So Joe's first science book was a survival skills guide, which really got that boy interested! The math book for both of them was a college level remedial math text, since it started with "what is a whole number", and went through beginning algebra with finding unknowns. It was so much better for my kids to be able to tailor their materials to each kid's interests and abilities. I hope you enjoy homeschooling as much as I did!
When you have a whole lot of chickens how do you tell the difference between them? I have only 10 adult chickens and they all look different so pretty easy now, well there are 2 pullets that look almost exactly the same markings but one is bigger than the other, so I can tell which is which when they are near each other...anyway it seems like it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference amongst lots of the same breed chickens. I have 6 leghorns and 5 buff orpingtons in the brooder now and I don't think I'll be able to tell the dofference

You'll be able to tell the difference
Good morning! Looks like a beautiful day today. I'll be planting some cauliflower and broccoli seedlings (I am behind schedule but hoping they'll bring something before it gets too hot), moving some seedlings into larger planters, cleaning brooders and coops, going to the feed store in Liberty, and maybe getting the horses in to get some of their winter coats off. Also have a paddock to get cleaned up for a boarder's horse that is a founder risk - we'll be moving him in there with a round bale to avoid the green grass that's bound to be popping up this week with this good weather. After I get all that done, then I gotta go to work!!! Whew!

Have a great day, everyone!!
Before I log off, I wanted to post some pics I took yesterday.

Here are the 4-week-old SLW chicks I'm growing out for NurseBecky. They got to spend a little time outside, and the girls came to visit. I plan to post some updated, better pics of these babies in a few days for y'all to look at, to help us determine who's what:

And here are the two Ameraucana chicks, 4-weeks-old, that are "back-ups" in case I don't have enough SLW pullets above for NurseBecky:

Before I log off, I wanted to post some pics I took yesterday.

Here are the 4-week-old SLW chicks I'm growing out for NurseBecky. They got to spend a little time outside, and the girls came to visit. I plan to post some updated, better pics of these babies in a few days for y'all to look at, to help us determine who's what:

And here are the two Ameraucana chicks, 4-weeks-old, that are "back-ups" in case I don't have enough SLW pullets above for NurseBecky:

Your Amerraucana's look a bit like EE's. The feather and leg coloring are similar to my EE's.
I try to talk to my girls too. They still flee from me when I want to pick them up. (all but "scissor". maybe cause she's little and under-developed) Only come to eat the cabbage treats I give them occasionally.

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