North Carolina

The girls moved in today!! I'm very excited. Now the real worrying begins:/
looks good with the chicks in it
Well, amazingly, this little fella hatched (on day 29). No clue what color it might be or how to sex call ducks. My son is just elated. It is absolutely adorable! I just hope it doesn't die like the little tolbunt polish did on day 5.....

Are call ducks hard to raise too???

I put a 2 week old chick in with it so it would be alone but she is kind of wild. They seem to be getting along alright but I'd rather have a baby call duck with it.

Anyone have call duck babies within an hour or so of Winston Salem/Greensboro area?

Good morning folks

the duckling is CUTE !!!!!
but I don't have
a buddy for it.......good luck and hope you find one

woke up to a wet Monday......sure hope it's not
one of those weeks that seem to be long and
gloomy forever. DD3 is heading off to Okla. today
and I worry about her traveling in the weather
conditions. hope her trip is an uneventful one

hope your day is a good one
Good Morning, Happy (and soggy) Chicken People!

It's been raining all night. I am soooooo looking forward to chores this morning, but I gotta get on it.

Hope your day is a good one!

Oh...on the call ducks...I have heard that they usually need help hatching. Don't know how accurate that is, as I have not hatched any.
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Good wet monday morning everyone!! For the record, I am NOT to blame for this rain, as I snuck diapers in on Saturday when we were SUPPOSE to have rain!!

Best part of the weekend: 3/4 duck eggs IN the coop!! I think all it took was one girl making it a habit to lay in the coop and the others are starting to follow!! Either way, I officially have a dozen duck need to go to the grocery store so I can do some massive baking!! I offered to make a quiche out of them for DH, but for some reason, he was a little put "off" by the smell of the I will say this was an egg that I brought home with me to show him what a duck egg would look like, and the egg that he mistakenly dropped on the I'm not sure, but I'm guessing the egg wasn't to blame. LOL.
We planted our first crop of beans this weekend (along with some sunflowers...woot) and I am hoping to get a good crop because I am trying something new...I'm going to try to let them dry in the pods and have dried beans!! These are Native American heirloom dried beans, so it SHOULD work...unless my black thumb harms them!!

Wild - congrats on the new kittens!! They are SO cute!

Off to the doctors today (boo)...the good news...9 weeks and counting for unnamed baby to arrive!! LOL
Have a great Monday everyone...try to stay dry!!

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