North Carolina

thanks.... it's a good thing to really look at your birds daily... to know their personalities, so that you can tell when they are "a little bit off". Because that is the real trick to catching sickness, diseases, problems, etc. before it gets so far out of hand... that you cannot save the bird.

You're right. I try to spend some time every day just observing my flock. I have headed off a lot of problems this way. Plus, I get a lot of satisfaction out of it. There is something therapeutic about chickens!
I myself have no problems tossing away out-of-date antibiotics. Just means no one needed it and that makes me happy.

2 Antibiotics I always have here just in case.

Fish-Mox: Yes they are made for aquariums, but it is the same thing and CHEAPER. I get 100 capsules bottles at 250 mg of Amoxicillin each for $14.18 on ebay from Capsules last alot longer then injectable and powder. For dosage all you have to do is wet a capsule and pop it down the birds throat. The 'wetting' is so that is doesn't stick to the inside of the mouth or tongue.

Amoxicillin is your go it antibiotic for infection from injury, sepsis, crop infections, sour crop, gut infections, egg binding, and even some respiratory issues. I have given it to both bantams and standards with great success over the years. Treatment for most things is 1 a day for 5-7 days.

Tylan 50 and syringes(bulk box of 1CC slip lock syringes and another of 25 guage needles): All around treatment for alot of respiratory issues. The slip lock syringes have a longer tip that the needle slides on. These come in handy for use as a dropper/force feeder as well. I also have some 6CC with the slip lock that I use for worming with Ivomec.


Edited to add: I have also used Fish-Mox to treat myself. LOL
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As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I heard a really loud peeping and ran to the back porch to see what was happening with the baby keets I have out there. Nothing was wrong....?? So, I go back into the bathroom to continue brushing my teeth and hear it again. Repeated above and nothing wrong....?? Finally had the thought that maybe the keets due on Wednesday were hatching early? I had just locked them down yesterday so doubted it.... Sure enough, there was one out and when I looked in it peeped loudly again. By the time I left, there were 3 out. LOL. I think I have 22 eggs in there so I may have several more by the time I get home! These are about 2 weeks behind the 9 I have on the back porch. I'm hoping to have at least 15 more to add to the flock this summer. I know there are at least 2 more nests out in the edges but we just have not located them yet. I hope all this rain doesn't hurt them before we can find them..... Is anyone else hatching out guinea keets? Angela

I'm locking down a small batch of guinea eggs tomorrow, and yes, mine usually start hatching early. I hope your free-range babies do well! Keep us posted.
Lost my dear Abby yesterday the hen with the egg problems. Went to TSC and all they had was Duramycin-10. When we got back she was gone. She had pass some more egg in her stool and looked like foamy clear stuff from her mouth. She took some yougart and water yesterday. I wish I had something for her sooner. Did more research on here and Baytril and penicillin were the ones mention. Is there a chart or something to tell what antibiotics you should have on hand at all times and what they are use for. I know about the first aid chart. What about the drugs. I order from Randall Burkley alot and they have some of everthing looks like.

Abby my sweet EE . Rest in Peace

I'm sorry about Abby. :(
By the way....
My husband is actually a member on here (Big Red Tractor), but he never posts, I think he just spies on me during the day to see if I'm cleaning the house or talking chickens (which it's usually the latter)

Another question...  I treat my 20lb long haired indoor/outdoor cat with frontline plus every month (and give a little extra due to his size).  For the past 2 days I'm getting what looks to be mosquito bites, but it's inside the house.  I know it's not bed bugs or anything, so I'm pretty sure it's fleas from my cat.  Is there anything I can do to get rid of it or do I need to flea bomb the house?  Also, does flea bombing the house effect chicks?

Sounds like u should switch up on the medicine u use bombing is a temporary fix and u should remove living things from the house but u can leave fish and stuff like that buy cover with a blanket also cleaning everyday helps a lot

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