North Carolina

ISO keets.
Mama went to nest a few nights ago which I could not find. Late this afternoon, I was determined to set out again, despite the brambles. I found a pile of her feathers, which I'm not sure was a survivable attack. Also found a decapitated white (and the head later; body and head brought back to me by my really smart border collie after being asked to find them- she didn't kill; my guess is a fox}, and missing Dinner, my big white male. No sight of him or his Blu Koted feathers.
so so sorry!!!
Things like that happen! I've always wondered why I haven't lost one but it may come at anythime...
. But had to tell you about some gunny thicken...... For a long time I would get the eggs and leave a fake one in the box...I was white and I don't have white layers. No one bothered it for the longest time, then, I found an egg in the run. Now I had foud an egg there before,,,maybe once every 6 wks or so. This time it was the fake egg. Don't know how they got it out of the nest..Had to get over a board that I have i always figured that it was from one of the younger hens.. However, there was my fake egg!!! A couple of days later I found it out of the box again! They just hadn't gotten it all the way across the poop board
to push it off.....I think if it had been a real egg, it would have broken also.

Well, I took the white egg in the house and got a fake brown far so good!! At least they haven't figured that this one is fake....I'm expecting any day four it to kicked out of the est and then Ill be on sure enough.....I always ruffle up the nesting materials in between

I would tell you about my on going battle with the squirrels, but I can never come out of that battle looking anything silly but I just never come out of that with a win.......But its onloring........
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ISO keets.  :hit Mama went to nest a few nights ago which I could not find. Late this afternoon, I was determined to set out again, despite the brambles. I found a pile of her feathers, which I'm not sure was a survivable attack. Also found a decapitated white (and the head later; body and head brought back to me by my really smart border collie after being asked to find them- she didn't kill; my guess is a fox}, and missing Dinner, my big white male. No sight of him or his Blu Koted feathers.   :hit   :hit   :hit

OMG that's terrible!! I'm so sorry! :( :(
I am impressed by your border collie though! My dog knows how to find his toys but that's about it and often he can't even find them. :p
ISO keets.
Mama went to nest a few nights ago which I could not find. Late this afternoon, I was determined to set out again, despite the brambles. I found a pile of her feathers, which I'm not sure was a survivable attack. Also found a decapitated white (and the head later; body and head brought back to me by my really smart border collie after being asked to find them- she didn't kill; my guess is a fox}, and missing Dinner, my big white male. No sight of him or his Blu Koted feathers.
sorry to hear that. I hate when predators kill and don't eat it afterwards. one summer i bought a few chicks from a feed store and when they got around to 3 months old some paranormal predator got into the pen and killed everyone one of them. Then a few months later I got some more chicks, and when they got to be around 2 months old some possum bit of their heads through the wire. I completely gave up trying to raise chickens.

Now that I've moved to a new home, the only predators i've seen are some hawks and neighborhood dogs. I won't hesitate to kill a dog with my bare hands if it kills one of my chickens.
OMG that's terrible!! I'm so sorry! :( :(
I am impressed by your border collie though! My dog knows how to find his toys but that's about it and often he can't even find them. :p

Both of the border collies are too smart for their own good (s). They can both open house and other doors. This one blew out both cruciate ligaments in her knees (both knees) at the same time. Vet was like, "instead of spending $1,500 a knee, why don't we explain to her she needs to be immobile first" and it actually worked. But on the flip side, she won't stop barking at and chasing the horses, and one of these days, running inbetween vehicle tires on the road is going to get her.

And to top off my stellar day, one of my daughter's fish died. She carried the guinea parts back to the house and buried it. *sigh*
sorry to hear that. I hate when predators kill and don't eat it afterwards. one summer i bought a few chicks from a feed store and when they got around to 3 months old some paranormal predator got into the pen and killed everyone one of them. Then a few months later I got some more chicks, and when they got to be around 2 months old some possum bit of their heads through the wire. I completely gave up trying to raise chickens. 

Now that I've moved to a new home, the only predators i've seen are some hawks and neighborhood dogs. I won't hesitate to kill a dog with my bare hands if it kills one of my chickens. 

I think we interrupted its meal. :/ It was a relatively fresh meal when we got it-still warmish and hadn't gotten to the first stage of rigor. Just kills me.

I'd go screaming after it, too. Darn woods are so brambly I was litterally ensnared and trapped more than once and had to have my daughter free me. We are both scratched up, but at least our eyes are ok.

Glad you're in a place to have peeps again.
I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy with hatching some Lavender Orpingntons and Spanish Black Turkeys. Got NPIP certified, expanding pastures...Whew! Just picked up 8 Gold Laced Wyandotte chicks at Shooks Poultry yesterday. Honestly, I only went there for feed, but the little ones wanted to go home with us.
Good morning folks

Sorry about the predator loses. Sometimes it is
hard to keep the wildlife away. I just try to remember
that we need wildlife too and then try to find a way
to discourage them from wanting eggs or chicken
for dinner.

Iceman.......I got your you want EEs, olive eggers
or F3 olive eggers? all the Marans are gone for this week.

hope everyone has a good day

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