North Carolina

Hey everyone. Newby from Youngsville here.
Welcome.....Nash County here!!
Good morning folks

Why is it that some big corporations think they can just use
and abuse the ecology and natural resources? My pet
peeve this morning is the lack of goslings at the Goodyear
tire plant in Fayetteville. It appears they have decided to
end the goose problem by mowing over nests, eggs,
goslings and any goose sitting a nest that doesn't get up
before the mower gets to them.

hope everyone has a good day
Good morning folks

Why is it that some big corporations think they can just use
and abuse the ecology and natural resources? My pet
peeve this morning is the lack of goslings at the Goodyear
tire plant in Fayetteville. It appears they have decided to
end the goose problem by mowing over nests, eggs,
goslings and any goose sitting a nest that doesn't get up
before the mower gets to them.

hope everyone has a good day

And they will get away with this??
They have had a lack of goslings for years now, to the point that the flock of adult geese isn't near as big as it was. They have always lost some that would nest across 401 at a swap/pond and then cross 401 to spend the day in their huge front yard, but for the last few years even those numbers have declined. I don't know what happens to the nest but you can see where the pairs grazing will slowly turn to just singles and then after some time, you will see pairs again but no goslings. I think I have seen two sets of goslings there this year, but I admit it's hard to spot the goslings as I am driving by all the time. I don't think all of the geese nest on the lawn, as I haven't seen them nesting there (specially since the tornadoes took out the trees and shrubs near a low spot that tended to hold water). So I wonder if someone isn't raiding their nest in the trees across their entrance road and all.
And they will get away with this??

yes they get away with it........they have a very large front area that is fenced and kept mowed.

I can see little gullies that water drains along and some of the geese nest in these shallow
gullies. The tractor mower just goes right through these gullies chopping up eggs, goslings
and sitting geese.....seen bodies last year of adult geese after the mower had passed
through. It is sad that large companies couldn't care less about wildlife or resources and will
kill wildlife or pollute the land and waterways.......and we let them by not saying anything.
If those who see this report it to the wildlife folks, they should do something about it. Canadian geese are a protected species under the International Migratory Bird Treaty, just as hawks are. If reported to the right people, something can be done.
You should call someone because I thaught it was against the law to even touch wild canadian geese muchless kill them like that they could be fined or arrested for that I think
[COLOR=008000]Good morning folks  [/COLOR] :frow

[COLOR=008000]Why is it that some big corporations think they can just use[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]and abuse the ecology and natural resources? My pet[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]peeve this morning is the lack of goslings at the Goodyear[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]tire plant in Fayetteville. It appears they have decided to[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]end the goose problem by mowing over nests, eggs,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]goslings and any goose sitting a nest that doesn't get up[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]before the mower gets to them.  [/COLOR] :mad:   :hit

[COLOR=008000]hope everyone has a good day [/COLOR] :caf [COLOR=008000]  [/COLOR]

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