North Carolina

What kind of fish is this?

Never caught one like this. It came out of my parents pond. I've been fishing there since I was old enough to walk and it doesn't look like a bream or crappie. My dad said he's never caught one from the pond like it either. We have many different species of bass catfish and panfish so I'm wondering if maybe it's a crossbreed? It's not a rock bass either! Any ideas?
What kind of fish is this?

Never caught one like this. It came out of my parents pond. I've been fishing there since I was old enough to walk and it doesn't look like a bream or crappie. My dad said he's never caught one from the pond like it either. We have many different species of bass catfish and panfish so I'm wondering if maybe it's a crossbreed? It's not a rock bass either! Any ideas?

Reminds me of a sun brim. Which is what people call brim hybrids or rare color changes or fin differences. It's that 1 of a million that hatched different than the rest. :)
Hello everyone! We have a move pending and will not be able to take our chickens with us--so, so sad! But, it does create a situation where other chicken lovers in the area can get some really beautiful birds that would not normally be for sale. What we have are silkies (gorgeous paint and black, blue and splash, and one buff boy purchased from Jack Fergusen) that are all show quality or high breeding quality, and true silkies in temperament as well. We are willing to bring them to the Carolina Fair in Greensboro on Sep. 13th, or they can be picked up at our home in Hillsborough/N. Durham . Please check out our farm page for full info on prices and extra pics, or message me with questions. We're selling the roos for $5-15, depending on the quality, and with the roos you can purchase hens that range in price from $25-40.

Prices are negotiable within reason, and we also have some poultry supplies (incubators, nesting box, feed and waterers) plus Horizon shipping boxes and the chick shipping boxes. Contact us with questions, and feel free to spread the word!

Such pretty birds! Wish I was not planning a move myself. Sorry you are not going to be able to keep your flock :(
I have seen lots of people who are serious about trading a rooster for a hen or two. Most the time the rooster they want to trade is a mix too. The only way I would ever consider trading a hen for a rooster is if that rooster was of very good quality and in hard to find breed/ variety. Good luck re-homing your boy, Doubleatraining takes unwanted roosters (free of charge).

That's sad that people actually do that. I know it's true (see it on CL all the time), but even I wouldn't actually do it, unless someone approached me, offering a hen or two for one of my roos (NOT likely to EVER happen!). I'm not uber picky about breed, since I'm not necessarily breeding, just want a good roo around for making sure I will have some new pullets each year, without having to spend a ton of money on hatchery birds. That's one of the reasons I took the mean roo off a friends hands (didn't know he was aggressive at the time), she had too many, and I needed a new roo to replace the one that's the father of most of my current flock. With four kids here though, there's no way I'm keeping a mean roo around. Not sure where Doubleatraining lives, but I posted a picture of the roo in here about two weeks ago when I got him (the White Marans/Lavender Orp pic I posted, asking why he was barred), so if she's interested (and reads this), she can PM, otherwise, he'll most likely go to the stew pot.

In the next month or two (assuming that Speckles isn't carrying anything contagious), I'll be looking to add a hen or two to my flock to introduce some new blood and I'm also looking for a few bantam hens (again, breed or crosses aren't important, as long as they're healthy) since I'm down to one banty hen and two banty roos (thank you hawks and raccoons!). I'm also looking for two call duck hens to be potential companions to the one lone duck hen that we have (DH found her and five siblings running up the middle of the road back in June when they were about a day old, no Mama in sight, she's the only one that made it past the weekend). Next spring, I'll be looking for some Black Copper Marans chicks if anyone breeds them. SO, all that to say, keep my name in mind for future reference if you need to re-home any hens! (Phew! That's a lot of typing! I'm not usually this long-winded!)

I'm off to bed early tonight, haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and needing to wake up early is catching up to me. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and it'll probably feel as long as today felt (started homeschooling my four kids this week, it's exhausting!)! Good night y'all!

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