North Carolina

@ Lizabell: Those are some pretty birds! If any of them lay a golden egg you'll have to let me know.

@ doublea: I followed your link. I may have to have a chat with you down the road about some goats. :) Unless you're giving them away free with a fence though it'll have to be a while.

Sorry, not free or come with fencing. They do stay in cattle panels very well though. They top out around 70lbs so you can do 4 cattle panes, a dog house, and move the pen you would a chicken tractor.
Well got half the birds dusted now. Just got the blue laced polish, turkeys, free runners, some odds and ends, and Diablo still to do. Nothing like coming in looking like you fell into a big pile of flour lol.
Sorry, not free or come with fencing. They do stay in cattle panels very well though. They top out around 70lbs so you can do 4 cattle panes, a dog house, and move the pen you would a chicken tractor.
Seriously considering the cattle panels idea. Would like to have a nice big solid fenced area as well though for when we're out for the day or something. Still need to come up with the rest of their goodies too (feeder/waterer, treats, collars, toys, leads (to get them to and from the barn every day), treats, toys.... You said you were planning on breeding for a March delivery right? What are you charging for the kids, and would you be willing to sell the mama/kid pair? We weren't planning on getting goats till spring anyway so that would be ideal for us.
What brown egg layers do you have? Any already laying birds? Do you have any goats available? We are wanting more little Nigerian Dwarfs. Ours are sooooooo sweeeeeet!!!!!!!!

This is Sid! (Reminds me of Sid the sloth from Ice Age)

Holly (Left), Sid (Right)

Could you PM with what you have available and where you are located?! It might have been a bad coincident that I have found someone who has both goats AND chickens!!! Oh and what exactly are blue sex-links? I've heard of red and black sex-links but never blue. Sounds interesting. Blue chickens and splash are my favorite colored chickens! Except for my little Japanese buff black tails, they are so pretty.
Sorry, not free or come with fencing. They do stay in cattle panels very well though. They top out around 70lbs so you can do 4 cattle panes, a dog house, and move the pen you would a chicken tractor.

This is what we do with our goats! We have a main pen for them next to our chicken coop, but during the day we bring them out to some goat panels we set up around our property. They make great lawn mowers and do a really quick job of it too! I love my little goats! I want more!
Good morning folks

Wow.......did the temps cool off quick. It does feel
good and puts me more in the mood of it being
fall...............still want it to warm enough to be able
to work outside and not feel like a Popsicle. Can
you tell I don't like to be cold?

hope everyone has a day
We have had some issues with him before hand, but once he started killing chickens I knew he had to go! I love him to death but he really does have to go. :( Anyway I found a chick from some friends about Rocky's age!!! She is so sweet!!!!!!!!! She is a Comet/Lav Orpington Cross. Her beak isn't straight so she got picked on by the other chicks. They seem to be getting together great! She is so sweet and friendly. AND Pretty! Also when we got Rocky the guy at the feed store said that they believed he was a white rock. Well he oviously isn't, because he's got the black. Does anyone have any idea what he could be?
Looks just like my blue copper splash Marans x black sex link chicks, & the reddish one kinda looks like my blue Marans x RIR (or New Hampshire Red -still not sure!)
I also have this peachy colored pullet crossing my blue Marans with my so-called RIR! Hybrids are beautiful!

The one in the middle is a male, he has one black spot on him. The father is a splash but doesn't have much splash on him lol
Here's the last chick that hatched out. Lost another egg. not developed all the way, more developed than the first one I lost. Everybody has been telling me that these 3 eggs are no longer any good because the only time she sits on them is at night none during the day. Didn't hear no noises either and the eggs are cold, so I open the second one that was 4 days late and guess what, it starts to bleed and was moving, its still alive! So not knowing what to do, I finished getting it out hadn't absorbed the yolk yet. Of course it died, but the other egg that is left is staying in there. I will not do that again. I feel so bad cause I killed the little chick. Live and Learn I guess.


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