North Carolina

Good morning folks

and what nice cool morning it if we could get
a nice gentle rain during the night that would be helpful. My
turkeys are still laying but then again they started late this
year so.......

hope everyone has a good day

Ouch.  You're moving to Washington State?  When?  Sell everything you don't need, livestock wise.  Only take superb breeding stock or pets.  Everything else can be replaced! 

Not sure. Have to get the NM house sold first....

I'm taking them all. I have to move the stock trailer anyhow, and we love the chooks. The only thing I would consider would be taking a few of our favorite bantams if the folks buying the house want the birds. I have *really* good quality guinea lines, and my breeder doesn't ship. Not looking forward to not having them...

And then there are the dogs, cats, and horses. I'd ve more than happy to get of the three bunnies at any point, though. Oh, and the fish.... *sigh*

We've got to get the one sold first before we decide if he's going to find something else closer. Moving back to the desert is NOT on my list of things I'm even remotely interested in. It took me 17 years to fet out of the first one!

And then there's the issue of water. Without it, there's no grass for the horses, and paying for hay year-round is not appealing. I am NOT a happy camper at this point. :/

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