North Carolina

Good morning folks

That time of year already. to go back to work. One of the schools
I work for starts back with students today summer hiatus is done.

The birds are starting to pick up a little on laying eggs but it's still a bit on
the hot side some days so they are not back into full swing yet.

hope everyone has a good day
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CSB, so sorry! I Should be back prepping, but am not wanting to.

My broody birds are starting to break. I'm down to six, which is nice. And one who can't make up her mind. One night one the nest, the next on the perch, then back on the nest. Silly bird.

Welcome new folks!
Good morning folks

That time of year already. to go back to work. One of the schools
I work for starts back with students today summer hiatus is done.

The birds are starting to pick up a little on laying eggs but it's still a bit on
the hot side some days so they are not back into full swing yet.

hope everyone has a good day
Hope you have a good one....I used to teach so I have vivid memories of the first weeks... Sometimes they were the best of the year, and sometimes its NOT.......LOLOL You will be in my prayers as are all teachers headed back to the classroom.
Good morning everyone! I'm on a hunt for a few silkies. I had one of my girls pass of old age and she was one of my best broodies. She quit laying after 2 years old. But didn't hesitate to adopt chicks and eggs. If she even seen an egg. Boom. Instant broody. I loved her. She raised 17 broods successfully in her life. Even brooded turkeys! Anyone I'm looking to replace her and maybe get a few others as well. If anyone lives on the east coast of nc or an hour or so away that has some silkies. Please! Let me know :) thanks.

RIP Muffin
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So we have an "Escapee".
I haven't finished building the run for our chickens yet, and as such when I feed the chickens each day I let them run around the yard for an hour or so while I'm doing my daily tasks. Over the weekend, one of our Americaunas decided she didn't want to be put back in the coop, and started running from us. If it were not for the thicket of Kudzu in the woods, we would have caught her by now.
Day 5, and she is still free range. Choosing to not let us get closer than 3 feet form her before she retreats to the woods.

How do I catch her?
Food in a wire cage. You can run the string through the back of the cage so that once she is in you can pull it close. Or you find out where she is roosting at night and catch her when it's pitch black outside (I wouldn't use a flash light either as they can see pretty well as it is in the dark.) Good luck.
HELP.......NEED SOME PRACTICAL ADVICE...... getting ready to go get my sand..I do not have a wheelbarrow.
.........what would be the next best way to handle it across about 10' from truck to coop door. Remember I am 65 yrs old and doing this on my own.....
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Help!!! Please don't judge. I'm in a serious family situation. My husband and I just acquired my sisters 4 girls, we have 3 of our own. We are now a family of 9. I'm sad that it has come to this but I'm not able to care for my 5 beautiful hens. I'm in a serious bind. I'm located in Cary(Wake County).

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