North Carolina

Oh hun :hugs
My heart broke reading your posts :'(
I know this won't bring back your baby, but if you want them, I'd be happy to send you banty eggs from my guys..they're all black except one dark bearded blue hen..I'm in WV so would have to ship but the offer will stand.




How much would it cost to send to NC? She's all alone now. It was always just she and her sister. The big chickens picked on them so bad they were just always babies in my eyes. :( so sad walking outside knowing I'll never see her again. I keep expecting her to run from one end of the run to the other wanting to come inside. :(
How much would it cost to send to NC? She's all alone now. It was always just she and her sister. The big chickens picked on them so bad they were just always babies in my eyes. :( so sad walking outside knowing I'll never see her again. I keep expecting her to run from one end of the run to the other wanting to come inside. :(

It shouldn't be much..I've shipped to Michigan and further and that was 30 eggs with bigger EE and reds eggs and the most I paid was 13$ the Tolbunt ♡♡ I have 2 dozen in the incu cooking. Keep waving my magic mojo wand hoping this group does better than the last but honestly I'm happy with any I get ♡♡

Here's my "boy"

He's hitting his gawky stage and is all ostrich upright looking bc I had him on top of the brooder and he was nervous

What a cutie! Polish are a new breed for me. I like variety. You might have to give me some tips later.
What a cutie! Polish are a new breed for me. I like variety. You might have to give me some tips later.

#1: Unless you're showing, if they have big crests (which they probably will) keep them trimmed so they can see..I had one hen who's was lopsided a bit and if I didn't keep that side trimmed it was so heavy she couldn't even open her eye..
Woo, haven't been on in a bit... hope everyone is doing well!

So, I'm up to eight broodies now! O.O; Thinking about ordering some Salmon Fav hatching eggs for them to sit on, but I have zero experience with buying/shipping hatching eggs. Any advice?
I've only got three broodies right now. One of them will get a trial with some chicks due in next week. If she takes them all it would be helpful! If they are still sitting in two-and-a-half weeks, I'll have another batch for another broody. But it will be fall before I have any more. The hens will just have to wait.

Still sorting chicks here. Constantly rearranging as chicks grow and grow out of their allotted space. Moving juvvies in with adults, and trying to choose which cockerels get to stay to grow out, and which go to the pick-up pen. I'll be glad when this spring's chicks are all fully incorporated in with the flocks, and the flocks end up in their designated house and pasture. I won't be doing so many huge hatches in a row again! That was foolish of me. Chick/spring fever got me good this year. But replacement is pretty much all I want to do, aside from requested hatchs.

I've a couple batches of pure Dark Cornish coming in, one as hatchery chicks, and the other in the incubator as a purchase from a show flock. Extremes. I can't wait to see the difference in how they grow out, with an eye toward meat production and foraging ability. I'll house them together, as they'll only be two weeks apart in age. That way there won't be any other variables. I just have to remember to toe punch them so I can't tell them apart instead of just my year punch.

Got all my new licenses in, except for Wildlife, and on that one I have an email verification to hold me until the new ones come out first of July. Sometimes the licensing is a royal PIA! But I guess it helps the government keep track of us better.

Hope you're enjoying the wildly fluctuating weather.
I'm in Moore county. I have whats gonna be a mean Wyndotte rooster. Its about three weeks old now. If you want him contact me and come pick it up. Healthy as a horse, but mean as hell. I'm fix'n to box'm, get'm fat and eat'm - anti social lil turd. He gone as soon as he cluck a doodle coos once. I like nice chickens.

See someone local who can just give you 16 fertile eggs. 50/50 chance. 2/hen.

McMurray is as expensive as heck though. Someone nearby has so many fertile eggs that they just can't get rid of them - its that season.

I would if I could, but I don't let my roosters get old enough to support that process...urbanite - sucks.

BTW. I just put a day 14 egg from an incubator under a day two broody hen and she is off the nest with the chick already.

So I'm here at my moms. I just fogged my house. Cannot stand it anymore!!!! Centipedes! Earwigs! Silverfish! And spiders! Screw them all!!!! Had a freaking WOLF SPIDER on my storm door handle when I let DH out to go to work this morning! I instantly threw up all over everything! Then tried to smash the darned thing and it hit him but didn't kill him then he scurried behind the couch! I'm too chicken sh*t to LOOK for it cause I really don't want to puke on my couch do I did the next best thing. I CAREFULLY pulled out the couch and let up the kicks (if that thing had jumped on me I would have died from a heart attack!!!!!) and grabbed the cat threw her in the car went to the dollar store got the most expensive fog gets I could find came back and set them off. Stupid critters. Gives me the heebie jeebies!!!! Spending some time with the surviving bantam over here. I set a live trap for that fox. Hope it catches him and he starves to death. I know he'll be back thinking my other chicken is still there but...nope!!!! I'm going to get this dumb sly fox.
So I'm here at my moms. I just fogged my house. Cannot stand it anymore!!!! Centipedes! Earwigs! Silverfish! And spiders! Screw them all!!!! Had a freaking WOLF SPIDER on my storm door handle when I let DH out to go to work this morning! I instantly threw up all over everything! Then tried to smash the darned thing and it hit him but didn't kill him then he scurried behind the couch! I'm too chicken sh*t to LOOK for it cause I really don't want to puke on my couch do I did the next best thing. I CAREFULLY pulled out the couch and let up the kicks (if that thing had jumped on me I would have died from a heart attack!!!!!) and grabbed the cat threw her in the car went to the dollar store got the most expensive fog gets I could find came back and set them off. Stupid critters. Gives me the heebie jeebies!!!! Spending some time with the surviving bantam over here. I set a live trap for that fox. Hope it catches him and he starves to death. I know he'll be back thinking my other chicken is still there but...nope!!!! I'm going to get this dumb sly fox.

How do you feel about DE? I use it around my house for the creepy works pretty good imo..I'm pretty careful with it so I'm not killing bees but I don't know if it'd work on spiders??? Don't know if they have the same type of exoskeleton of the bugs it does kill

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