North Carolina

Well, it's been a fun day. I didn't mention it this morning, but on the way back from feeding, I bent over to pick up something on the ground, and got head-butted by a 170 pound mastiff puppy. Took a hard tumble, and knew I'd damaged something in my foot. I thought it was just the toe (although nowadays "just" isn't a part of my damage vocabulary!), but I had to go to the ER to make sure the foot bones weren't broken. So now I have the leg brace on the left, and a board-shoe on the right for a broken toe. (Seems so silly. I used to not bother going in for something that small!) I'll have to have both Jake and one of my forearm crutchs for a few days. They said 6-8 weeks, but even though that's the healing time for a bone I'm expecting to at least be able to move around with just Jake after I get used to the shoe and the swelling goes down a bit. He and I have gotten pretty good at working together and I love not needing the crutches. (At least I didn't fall out of a tree while catching raccoons...not that I'd mention names......)

Reilly tried to make amends by giving me lots of kisses while I was on the ground, and even tried to bring me water, by getting a large drink himself and then giving me more kisses. Gotta love a mastiff.

I had stupidly 1.) not taken my phone, and 2.) left the other dogs inside. So Reilly had only me to play with and I couldn't wake up hubby when I fell. Took me about 20 minutes to get to the porch steps and use them to get up. I think I found every dang acorn between where I fell and the house, and it was only about ten yards. When I finally got up and to the door, Jake was waiting there all worried. I guess he had heard me fall and knew something was wrong, and he couldn't get to me.

So, half the day in the ER, then lots of errands on the way home, since we were lready aout. We had lunch out, which was nice. This is how hubby and I get "date time" these days!

I hope everyone else had a great day, particularly Sick Child!
If you pop into Rav, look me up; same user name. :) I'm a couple hours south of you, but I wouldn't be surprised to see you show up at the WCA (Wicked Chicken Auction) between us. Hope to meet you there one day!
We are planning on going tomorrow; I have been giving chickens baths with the help of Chris (older son). I turned them out in the garden, and we will be putting them back in the house tonight, BUT NOT THAT MUDDY RUN!!!!
I am putting seed down and closing it as of tonight. No birds allowed in that run for about 4 weeks. I hope it is dried out, and covered in green stuff by then.
If not, I don't know?
Now I just need to bring home less birds than I take!
Hubby took some pics of our chickens today to show to his students. He was amused to discover that taking turns is apparently a concept our chickens are NOT familiar with! Right after these pictures were taken (and the girls were done with their business), our son went out to clean the coop - he declared it "nasty!" It's amazing how quickly those girls can make a mess!

Goog Morning, Everyone!

Another lovely day, although I guess we'll be getting storm fall-out during the week.

I'm enjoying the pictures of others birds and setups. So nice to see how others do things, and get ideas for different things.

Have a wonderful, sunny day!

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