Northern Hemisphere chicken keepers. Hang in there.


Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Nov 23, 2010
St. Louis, MO
Today is the shortest day of the year. Short days detected by the pineal gland signal animals to curtail reproduction.
At my latitude, day length was 1 second shorter than yesterday and 3 seconds shorter than tomorrow, January 1 will be 39 seconds longer than the day before. By the end of January, each day will be 45 minutes longer than today. Light period will be 2 minutes longer per day than dark period. Hens at laying age but not producing may start in February. Daily change is greatest the third week of March.
Eggs are soon in your future.
Thanks for the interesting and encouraging words.

While I am looking forward to the resumption of egg laying, I am also darned tired of doing chores in the dark. Hurray for post-solstice days!
Eggs are soon in your future.
I got one yesterday....but then I use supplemental lights.

I am also darned tired of doing chores in the dark.
Get a headlight?

Sunrise continues to be seconds later each day, until about Jan 8.
Most people won't really notice the lengthening days until sometime in Feb.
Oh, I have a headlamp that includes a night vision setting that I think is less upsetting to the critters than glaring white light. And, it makes it possible to do chores.

But both the birds and I want the sun back!!!! ☀️

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