Free Ranging
- Oct 3, 2023
- 2,665
- 6,082
- 576
Been here since 2023 and meant to do this sooner, but meh
I am FrostRanger but you can call me Frost or FR for short. I am a Christian, gamer, metalhead, tea enthusiast and gamer from the eastern us
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Newish, Back in June of 23 I got 4 easter egger chicks on impulse (ik, not exactly the best way, but I had been strongly considering getting chickens, just not that year lol) and I have been hooked since
(2) How many chickens do you have right
I have 7
(3) What breeds do you have?
I have 3 easter eggers (Ginger, Ginkgo and Vanilla), 3 lakeside eggers (Meyer hatchery exclusive designer easter egger and their names are Basil, Lavender and Chocolate Mint) and 1 buff orpington (Juniper)
(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
For one the eggs are amazing and I love that I get a variety of colors rather than the usual white or brown you see at the grocery store, the manure is gardening gold and the birds themselves are fun and relaxing to watch
(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I do garden a bit (with varying success), bike commute and game. The types of games I like are point and click, RPGs, simulations and puzzle games. I don't like platformers, multiplayer and there's exactly one shooter I like which is the hunter call of the wild and that's a hunting Sim (and I am a bow main in that game)
I am learning Japanese casually and currently have a 1863 day streak on Duolingo at the time of writing this
I also have been using desktop Linux since 2018 after my windows 7 laptop kicked the bucket 'cause I absolutely refuse to use windows 10.
i started out with Linux Mint XFCE 18.3 and am currently running Garuda KDE (garuda is an arch based distro, I have used vanilla arch for a while but I do like to distro hop every now and then although that happens less nowadays). Enlightenment is probably my favorite desktop environment (well, technically window manager) but last I used it it was kinda buggy so until I can get around to learning c++ I've settled for making KDE look and behave like enlightenment. In addition to that, I have dabbled a little with the server side of things (and i need to get back to that). I also know python and a bit of lua although I am a bit out of practice ATM.
I used to be quite into yugioh and while I rarely play nowadays, I am still very annoying to go up against. I am lawful good IRL, but in yugioh I am lawful evil as I will play the most annoying decks possible and will beat you in the most painful way possible (for those who know yugioh, my decks include chain burn, dogmatika-spriggans, and mystic mine burn when mystic mine was still legal. No I am absolutely not sorry for playing it)
(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
In addition to my 7 girls, I have a
pit bull named Ranger and 3 cats, a grey and white tuxedo ragdoll mix named Raven (she is big (nearly 14lbs), fluffy and very sweet) and 2 ginger Manx mix brothers named Phoenix and Edgeworth (yes, I am a big ace attorney fan). Phoenix has a normal tail whereas Edgeworth has a little stump of a tail. Both boys were ex ferals and are very sweet and good natured. In addition I also feed the stray and feral cats that hang around. Partially for rodent controller but mainly because I am very much a cat person lol
(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?
I found the site when browsing the web for chicken info. At the time I joined I had a sick bird and needed help figuring out what was wrong (she unfortunately ended up passing so I sent her in to my state lab for a necropsy and it turned out she had wet fowl pox and was not presenting the usual symptoms) which was also a big reason why I didn't write an introduction when I first joined
Anyways, thank you for enduring the nerd ramble, as a reward here's a picture of my animals
Edgeworth (left) and Phoenix (right)
The ladies. From the top left, Vanilla, Lavender, Juniper, Basil, Ginger, Ginkgo and Chocolate Mint
I am FrostRanger but you can call me Frost or FR for short. I am a Christian, gamer, metalhead, tea enthusiast and gamer from the eastern us
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Newish, Back in June of 23 I got 4 easter egger chicks on impulse (ik, not exactly the best way, but I had been strongly considering getting chickens, just not that year lol) and I have been hooked since
(2) How many chickens do you have right
I have 7
(3) What breeds do you have?
I have 3 easter eggers (Ginger, Ginkgo and Vanilla), 3 lakeside eggers (Meyer hatchery exclusive designer easter egger and their names are Basil, Lavender and Chocolate Mint) and 1 buff orpington (Juniper)
(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
For one the eggs are amazing and I love that I get a variety of colors rather than the usual white or brown you see at the grocery store, the manure is gardening gold and the birds themselves are fun and relaxing to watch
(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I do garden a bit (with varying success), bike commute and game. The types of games I like are point and click, RPGs, simulations and puzzle games. I don't like platformers, multiplayer and there's exactly one shooter I like which is the hunter call of the wild and that's a hunting Sim (and I am a bow main in that game)
I am learning Japanese casually and currently have a 1863 day streak on Duolingo at the time of writing this
I also have been using desktop Linux since 2018 after my windows 7 laptop kicked the bucket 'cause I absolutely refuse to use windows 10.
i started out with Linux Mint XFCE 18.3 and am currently running Garuda KDE (garuda is an arch based distro, I have used vanilla arch for a while but I do like to distro hop every now and then although that happens less nowadays). Enlightenment is probably my favorite desktop environment (well, technically window manager) but last I used it it was kinda buggy so until I can get around to learning c++ I've settled for making KDE look and behave like enlightenment. In addition to that, I have dabbled a little with the server side of things (and i need to get back to that). I also know python and a bit of lua although I am a bit out of practice ATM.
I used to be quite into yugioh and while I rarely play nowadays, I am still very annoying to go up against. I am lawful good IRL, but in yugioh I am lawful evil as I will play the most annoying decks possible and will beat you in the most painful way possible (for those who know yugioh, my decks include chain burn, dogmatika-spriggans, and mystic mine burn when mystic mine was still legal. No I am absolutely not sorry for playing it)
(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
In addition to my 7 girls, I have a
pit bull named Ranger and 3 cats, a grey and white tuxedo ragdoll mix named Raven (she is big (nearly 14lbs), fluffy and very sweet) and 2 ginger Manx mix brothers named Phoenix and Edgeworth (yes, I am a big ace attorney fan). Phoenix has a normal tail whereas Edgeworth has a little stump of a tail. Both boys were ex ferals and are very sweet and good natured. In addition I also feed the stray and feral cats that hang around. Partially for rodent controller but mainly because I am very much a cat person lol
(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?

I found the site when browsing the web for chicken info. At the time I joined I had a sick bird and needed help figuring out what was wrong (she unfortunately ended up passing so I sent her in to my state lab for a necropsy and it turned out she had wet fowl pox and was not presenting the usual symptoms) which was also a big reason why I didn't write an introduction when I first joined
Anyways, thank you for enduring the nerd ramble, as a reward here's a picture of my animals
Edgeworth (left) and Phoenix (right)
The ladies. From the top left, Vanilla, Lavender, Juniper, Basil, Ginger, Ginkgo and Chocolate Mint