Not sure what this is

Genesis coop

5 Years
Sep 19, 2019
South central Kentucky
Found this in one of the nest boxes this morning...any idea what it is? 20240501_061234.jpg
I'm wondering if that large portion could be a lash egg? Regardless, I'd guess there is an infection in your hen’s oviduct.

Using gloves, see if the larger portion is hard and appears to be like an egg. You can cut into it and it'd be solid. Make sure to be careful as whatever it is, it is bacterial and possibly infectious.

I'd start your hen on an antibiotic.
What Breed is the hen? I have found breeds like RIR who have been bred to produce eggs year round tend to have more reproductive issues. I had a RIR who kept laying lash eggs who passed. That may help with the diagnosis.
Found this in one of the nest boxes this morning...any idea what it is?View attachment 3817514
Can you open it/unfold it and let us know what's inside - yolk and whites or? (Photos if you can)

Looks like a long shell membrane.
Is she acting off, any notable symptoms - lethargy, not pooping, etc.?

I'd start giving this girl extra calcium, do this for 5-7 days, see if it helps with the shell quality.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.
I wish I could but it was tossed out already. She was acting off about a week ago for several days but had been acting more normal by the time she passed this blob. Will most definitely try the vitamins. Thank you for your help.

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