Notification Problemz

Jan 31, 2025
New Hampshire
Not sure if I’m the only one dealing with this problem, but I almost never get notified when people reply or react to threads and forums I follow. And yeah, all my notification settings are on, so it’s definitely not a 'forgot to turn it on' problem—it’s a site problem. But if I’m the only one having this issue, then eh, no big deal. Just thought I’d mention it. Thanks!
I've had that happen a few times.
If I go to alerts and tell it to "mark read," I get notifications properly after that.

The system seems to think that if you've got one alert about something in a thread, you don't need any more about that thread until you have responded to that first one (by going to the correct page of the thread.) But if you don't notice the alert, and time passes, it can be far enough in the past that you will probably never see it, even though the system still thinks it's there. Marking the alerts as "read" is a way to tell the system you have seen it, and need new alerts again for new activity.

If that doesn't fix your problem, then I don't know :confused:
It any of you guys are not clicking the alert to view it you will not get another alert for that particular thread because you never viewed the first alert.
You have to view each alert in order to receive another/new alert.
To view your followed content click on the arrow next to the Forums button in the navigation menu then click Watched. It will show you a list of all the threads and forums you follow and those with content that you haven't viewed yet will be in bold text.
It any of you guys are not clicking the alert to view it you will not get another alert for that particular thread because you never viewed the first alert.
You have to view each alert in order to receive another/new alert.
Not mine. They all seem to be when the reaction was made, as I could have 20 notifications for the same reply all mixed in with others. I would not think it matters that I'm on a desktop PC and using the web. I'm on the iPad so seldom I don't know if there's a difference.

Our internet is a turtle compared to what I've seen yours is too, so this is very weird.

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