Now what? Poison ivy??


Mar 24, 2024
I hope this is the right forum. I’ve been clearing some weeds from my yard, poison ivy. I totally forgot the “leaves of three leave it be”. My girls were with me. Even though I had on gloves and THOUGHT I took precautions (from spiders, they creep me out) I’ve got neck to toe poison ivy rash. Question is it possible my girls have the oil on their feathers and me picking them up caused it to spread? And IF the girls do have the oil on their feathers how in the world do I get it off them?
I just got over a bout with severe poison ivy even though I washed it off with soap and water after a half hour. It lasts 2-3 weeks, and many have to get a methylprednisolone (medrol) dose pack, a corticosteroid, from a doctor in severe cases. It helps right away. Don’t handle your chickens and make sure they are dust bathing. I would get rid of the poison ivy in the yard before it spreads, and use long sleeves, pants, and gloves, depositing them in the washer.
Is that it? No magical dust or something??
Perhaps someone else can come up with a magic potion. I've never heard of any. At least nothing I would want to use on feathers while simultaneously preventing more skin contact. Perhaps if you were to use elbow length rubber gloves and use a baby shampoo or some other conjured blend.

I don't have a physical allergy to poison ivy, nor did my father. I once had a newlywed friend who bought my aunt's house and when the young couple cleaned up plants they determined errant around the newlywed's property. Too late, they discovered they had been handling poison ivy all day. They had welts head to toe for over a week. Feeling responsible in some small part, I finished the job for them.

Is there a medical concern with that hen which requires you to handle her imminently and repeatedly?
Perhaps someone else can come up with a magic potion. I've never heard of any. At least nothing I would want to use on feathers while simultaneously preventing more skin contact. Perhaps if you were to use elbow length rubber gloves and use a baby shampoo or some other conjured blend.

I don't have a physical allergy to poison ivy, nor did my father. I once had a newlywed friend who bought my aunt's house and when the young couple cleaned up plants they determined errant around the newlywed's property. Too late, they discovered they had been handling poison ivy all day. They had welts head to toe for over a week. Feeling responsible in some small part, I finished the job for them.

Is there a medical concern with that hen which requires you to handle her imminently and repeatedly

I just got over a bout with severe poison ivy even though I washed it off with soap and water after a half hour. It lasts 2-3 weeks, and many have to get a methylprednisolone (medrol) dose pack, a corticosteroid, from a doctor in severe cases. It helps right away. Don’t handle your chickens and make sure they are dust bathing. I would get rid of the poison ivy in the yard before it spreads, and use long sleeves, pants, and gloves, depositing them in the washer.
Oh yes I most definitely am 100% getting rid of these demon plants. I’m trying my best to dig all the root but sometimes they’re deep!
Perhaps someone else can come up with a magic potion. I've never heard of any. At least nothing I would want to use on feathers while simultaneously preventing more skin contact. Perhaps if you were to use elbow length rubber gloves and use a baby shampoo or some other conjured blend.

I don't have a physical allergy to poison ivy, nor did my father. I once had a newlywed friend who bought my aunt's house and when the young couple cleaned up plants they determined errant around the newlywed's property. Too late, they discovered they had been handling poison ivy all day. They had welts head to toe for over a week. Feeling responsible in some small part, I finished the job for them.

Is there a medical concern with that hen which requires you to handle her imminently and repeatedly?
nope fortunately my chickens are healthy as can be, at this point they’re healthier than me. My girls aren’t covered in a demon rash. In the evenings I let them out of their run into the yard, and it’s just easier to carry them back to the run. We’ve moved the coop recently so the girls are still trying to remember how to get there.
The chickens will be fine and as others have said, don’t handle them for a while. Maybe a long while!
A product called Tecnu can get it off your skin if you wash with it immediately. It probably works for chickens too - but I think maybe too much time has passed.
Worth keeping a bottle of Tecnu handy for future though - Poison Ivy is difficult stuff to completely eradicate.
The chickens will be fine and as others have said, don’t handle them for a while. Maybe a long while!
A product called Tecnu can get it off your skin if you wash with it immediately. It probably works for chickens too - but I think maybe too much time has passed.
Worth keeping a bottle of Tecnu handy for future though - Poison Ivy is difficult stuff to completely eradicate.
You know, I haven’t had poison ivy rash since I was a kid- many many moons ago. I do not remember it being so horrendous! Tecnu-buying some immediately! Even if it doesn’t help atm I should have some on hand for future stupidity. Right now I just look like cotton candy, I’m covered in calamine lotion. Meanwhile the chickadoos are walking around without a worry in the world..
You know, I haven’t had poison ivy rash since I was a kid- many many moons ago. I do not remember it being so horrendous! Tecnu-buying some immediately! Even if it doesn’t help atm I should have some on hand for future stupidity. Right now I just look like cotton candy, I’m covered in calamine lotion. Meanwhile the chickadoos are walking around without a worry in the world..
Yeah. Birds don’t react to poison ivy apparently
Birds eat the berries, spreading it everywhere! We have it here too, and when I work at removing it, I'm wearing rubber gloves and a hazmat suit. We also have poison hemlock, so the same precautions apply. You all may also now have poison hemlock, a way worse plant, look it up.
Don't burn either plant!!!

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