Nutritonal Value of eggs

how are guinea fowl to raise. do they really eat ticks? can you eat the eggs and are they good ?
In my opinion they are very easy to raise. They love free ranging and are hilarious to watch. They get pretty loud sometimes though. We really don’t have to do much for them. Just keep their food and water full. We let them out of their run to roam around the property and they always either find they’re way back and we lock them up or they spend the night in the trees. I love they’re eggs, taste just like chicken eggs but with a higher nutritional value, I think they have 20-25 grams of protein per eggs, way more than chicken eggs. Would definitely raise more guineas over chickens. They also are better foragers than chickens and don’t make a mess of your garden. Chickens in the other hand will destroy your garden.
In my opinion they are very easy to raise. They love free ranging and are hilarious to watch. They get pretty loud sometimes though. We really don’t have to do much for them. Just keep their food and water full. We let them out of their run to roam around the property and they always either find they’re way back and we lock them up or they spend the night in the trees. I love they’re eggs, taste just like chicken eggs but with a higher nutritional value, I think they have 20-25 grams of protein per eggs, way more than chicken eggs. Would definitely raise more guineas over chickens. They also are better foragers than chickens and don’t make a mess of your garden. Chickens in the other hand will destroy your garden.
This thread is from 2012. The person you replied to hasn't been on BYC since 2017.

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