NY chicken lover!!!!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.

How tragic. They're in my thoughts and prayers, as are you.
Evening all. Been working on the coop with the dh today and got the roof rafters up and some of the inside supports in. Hoping to finish that tomorrow and put the roof on. Then comes the siding. Its looking pretty good. Got to finish soon cause the terrorists need to go in there. Bad. They are getting huge! Dh is complaining that there is dust in his firearms so you know thats bad!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.
I feel her pain. In 04 we lost our almost 17 year old daughter in a car accident. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to the pain of losing a child. My thoughts are with your friend. It is going to be a long road ahead for her. She will need you. So sorry to hear this.
Evening all. Been working on the coop with the dh today and got the roof rafters up and some of the inside supports in. Hoping to finish that tomorrow and put the roof on. Then comes the siding. Its looking pretty good. Got to finish soon cause the terrorists need to go in there. Bad. They are getting huge! Dh is complaining that there is dust in his firearms so you know thats bad!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.
Consider it done. Prayers and warm fuzzy hugs.

And things like this are never "off topic", we chickens have to support each other...I mean chicken lovers.
Evening all. Been working on the coop with the dh today and got the roof rafters up and some of the inside supports in. Hoping to finish that tomorrow and put the roof on. Then comes the siding. Its looking pretty good. Got to finish soon cause the terrorists need to go in there. Bad. They are getting huge! Dh is complaining that there is dust in his firearms so you know thats bad!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.
Evening all. Been working on the coop with the dh today and got the roof rafters up and some of the inside supports in. Hoping to finish that tomorrow and put the roof on. Then comes the siding. Its looking pretty good. Got to finish soon cause the terrorists need to go in there. Bad. They are getting huge! Dh is complaining that there is dust in his firearms so you know thats bad!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.

I am so sorry! As a mother of a little boy almost four..my heart breaks for her..no words can bring her comfort..
a few of the 6 week old's in their new home!

left to right Blue Sumatra/Black Austrolop cross, White Leghorn/Black Sumatra cross (were mama's genes strong or what?) and a very sleepy EE/Sumatra cross.

Morning everyone!
Got the coop all stained, put it out last night to get it off the deck and all I can say is, Thank God I stained it!! We got such a storm here last night, it poured! I have to finish up some tweaking on the nest box today. Hoping to get the chicks living in it by this afternoon. I'm really bummed I didn't do all this yesterday while it was beautiful out, but we had to spend a majority of the day car shopping. Bleh! Found two cars but one is a little high. We NEED to buy something by Saturday before I leave here. Totally off topic, but does anyone in the Syracuse area have any dealerships they'd recommend? If so, you can PM me instead of talking about it on the main board. I'm just new to this area and would like to know thoughts. Thanks.

Pharmchickrnmom - So sorry to hear of your friend's loss. That is awful, I can't even imagine. Big Prayers!!
I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.
So sorry to hear this.
I can't imagine having to live through a loss like that. I'm very sorry.

I do have some good news though. My white NN Charlotte just laid her first egg. It's a small tinted one. I'm am happy.

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