NY chicken lover!!!!

I love all these suggestions! I'm going to upload an album to my profile for anyone who cares to take a look to see if they can sex my silkies. One one was born 3/28 and the other 4/3. Both are white, not sure if you'll be able to tell them apart, but one has slightly larger "growths" (not sure what's thats called LOL) on each side of it's beak, like right below it's cheeks.
I have been thinking of getting bees also - I would *love* to have my own honey. What do you do with the bees in the winter?

From what I've been reading, there are a bunch of ways of winterizing, including wrapping them with insulating blankets and roofing paper. Alan says that he never bothered with that in the wild and woolly days of the early '80s when he had bees, but I'm picky, so these girls will be wrapped.
With adequate honey and pollen stores, a strong hive can overwinter pretty well. Go, girls, go!

They have guard bees set up already, and they've been cleaning house and chucking out the dead bees from the package. They're also foraging like mad fiends, so they seem happy.
Sorry to hear about your girl, Featherz.

My bees are here and have been successfully installed in their hives. Alan says they're pretty laid back bees - they didn't pop him once. The weather is supposed to be great for several days, so it's perfect for them. Go, bees!
Good luck with the bees. It's been an active swarm season around here and great weather for your bees to establish themselves! Love the bees!

From what I've been reading, there are a bunch of ways of winterizing, including wrapping them with insulating blankets and roofing paper. Alan says that he never bothered with that in the wild and woolly days of the early '80s when he had bees, but I'm picky, so these girls will be wrapped.
With adequate honey and pollen stores, a strong hive can overwinter pretty well. Go, girls, go!

They have guard bees set up already, and they've been cleaning house and chucking out the dead bees from the package. They're also foraging like mad fiends, so they seem happy.

I definitely have to try this, maybe next year. We are going out today to tag our maple trees so we can remember which ones to try tapping next spring, so I could have both honey and syrup, possibly! =)
HEY, I know what you can name Jailbird's son..................... "ELVIS"
you know from the song jail house rock??
LOL, Elvis it is! IF he stays. I can't name anyone until I know if I can keep them. Hate to know that a named bird will be someone's dinner. =( He's got a while yet tho, only three weeks old.

Your Java and favorelle chicks are doing well! Looks like I have one girl and one boy on the favs.
Hello all! I have a Black Copper Marans chick that's turning out to be a cockerel. I thought maybe I'd ask here before I put him on Craig's List. He is almost 6 weeks old. I live in between Plattsburgh and Albany.

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