NY chicken lover!!!!

Wow Stony--they are growing fast! Is your hen sitting on eggs??? She looks like she means business.

So it looks like I have another silkie hen that is broody. Sassy has been sitting in the run and in the coop this morning. She is also being witchy and has taken over some of the mommy duties from Stripe. The chicks are going under her as well. Sarah just pecks them if they are in her personal space. Not too sure what thats about but they seem to be okay. Everyone was out yesterday, stretching their legs and wings and eating greens and bugs. The tots were thrilled to get out and even the tiny chicks were enjoying a good romp. Little Man has been a good daddy after his initial attempt to kill his kids. He is very patient with them, never pecks them and defends them against all perceived threats.

I should get my 3 dozen silkie eggs today. I am thinking about sticking a couple under Sassy to see if she will hatch them. First I have to get her in the coop. Maybe I will just put everything in the incubator. I am hoping to have a descent hatch as I need a couple more hens and looking at the tots, I can now see that 3 out of 4 are boys. I will have to find them some nice homes.

The rir and company are growing so fast. The boys are really stretching up now and they are acting much more roostery. They are the most curious and friendly bunch of birds I have ever seen. The moment they hear me open the door, they run to the window of their coop to greet me. If I open the door of their coop, they swarm my feet and get up on the roost to be near me. Some fly onto my lap if I bring in a chair and sit with them. There is at least one boy who will be first to freezer camp as he likes to grab, twist and yank every time he gets an opportunity. He is big enough now that it really hurts. I like this breed. It has grown on me.
Wow Stony--they are growing fast! Is your hen sitting on eggs??? She looks like she means business.

So it looks like I have another silkie hen that is broody. Sassy has been sitting in the run and in the coop this morning. She is also being witchy and has taken over some of the mommy duties from Stripe. The chicks are going under her as well. Sarah just pecks them if they are in her personal space. Not too sure what thats about but they seem to be okay. Everyone was out yesterday, stretching their legs and wings and eating greens and bugs. The tots were thrilled to get out and even the tiny chicks were enjoying a good romp. Little Man has been a good daddy after his initial attempt to kill his kids. He is very patient with them, never pecks them and defends them against all perceived threats.

I should get my 3 dozen silkie eggs today. I am thinking about sticking a couple under Sassy to see if she will hatch them. First I have to get her in the coop. Maybe I will just put everything in the incubator. I am hoping to have a descent hatch as I need a couple more hens and looking at the tots, I can now see that 3 out of 4 are boys. I will have to find them some nice homes.

The rir and company are growing so fast. The boys are really stretching up now and they are acting much more roostery. They are the most curious and friendly bunch of birds I have ever seen. The moment they hear me open the door, they run to the window of their coop to greet me. If I open the door of their coop, they swarm my feet and get up on the roost to be near me. Some fly onto my lap if I bring in a chair and sit with them. There is at least one boy who will be first to freezer camp as he likes to grab, twist and yank every time he gets an opportunity. He is big enough now that it really hurts. I like this breed. It has grown on me.
Amy, your rir's sound like my buckeyes! They see me coming and always come to say hi. They don't fly into my lap, but they are always underfoot. Love my buckeyes!

Anybody else sick of grey days?

Have we lost happyhensny(Annie) along with rancher? hope they are both ok.
The mud is getting on my nerves. And the smell. I asked for bags of lime for my birthday to spread on the stinky area. I wonder if Lime hurts the chickens? (Cuz I am planning to spread it everywhere there is poop and if there is poop,there is chickens in the area)
The mud is getting on my nerves. And the smell. I asked for bags of lime for my birthday to spread on the stinky area. I wonder if Lime hurts the chickens? (Cuz I am planning to spread it everywhere there is poop and if there is poop,there is chickens in the area)
Oh yeah, the smell. I have 3 horses that like to pee on the same spot outside. In wet weather my property smells like , well, a dirty farm. I have been using lime but it is not cutting it. My next bag will be something called sweet pdz. I think it works better.
Oh yeah, the smell. I have 3 horses that like to pee on the same spot outside. In wet weather my property smells like , well, a dirty farm. I have been using lime but it is not cutting it. My next bag will be something called sweet pdz. I think it works.

Sweet PDZ sounds like a good idea. Parts of the run smell ghastly at the moment, especially around the ducks' splashing dish where it's perpetually wet. I need to buy chook food anyway, so I'll grab a bag of that and see if it helps.

At least it's sort of nice today. This is my vacation week, so naturally it has been dreary and ugly all week. Alan said, "It's supposed to be really nice on Sunday!" Yeah, because that's my first day back to work - of course it'll be nice!
I thought I would show everyone the chicks I hatched a 1.5 months ago. If anybody is intersted they are for Sale

Cochin Roo 1

Cochin Roo 2 SOLD

Cochin Roo 3




Silkie Chick 1

Silkie Chick 2

Silkie Chick 3

Silkie Chick 4

Full Grown Silkies- all 1 y/o today

silkie roo SOLD

Silkie hen 1 SOLD

Silkie Hen 2 SOLD

Silkie Hen 3 SOLD

All of these chicks and chickens are for sale and I thought i'd post them here to see if anybody would like to buy them before they are put through the auction or sent to the talegate sale July 8. If you are interested PM for info.
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Sweet PDZ sounds like a good idea. Parts of the run smell ghastly at the moment, especially around the ducks' splashing dish where it's perpetually wet. I need to buy chook food anyway, so I'll grab a bag of that and see if it helps.

At least it's sort of nice today. This is my vacation week, so naturally it has been dreary and ugly all week. Alan said, "It's supposed to be really nice on Sunday!" Yeah, because that's my first day back to work - of course it'll be nice!
I love sweet PDZ except it comes in such small bags and it seems to be hard to find. I was looking for it a week or two ago and neither of my TSC had it in. I prefer it to the lime.

My runs are getting a bit stanky too because all the chickens are locked up due to the silly fox.
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Sweet PDZ sounds like a good idea. Parts of the run smell ghastly at the moment, especially around the ducks' splashing dish where it's perpetually wet. I need to buy chook food anyway, so I'll grab a bag of that and see if it helps.

At least it's sort of nice today. This is my vacation week, so naturally it has been dreary and ugly all week. Alan said, "It's supposed to be really nice on Sunday!" Yeah, because that's my first day back to work - of course it'll be nice!
Toady was not bad at all. laundry dried on the line, rode two horses, made a pot roast for supper.
we seldom have a meat and potato supper anymore, so it was tasty!

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